I have read the prior discussions linked from

What I would like to do is put the specific case for handling 3 common
'alter column' changes when that column is referenced in a view.

Take the case of:
create table base_table ( id bigserial, acol varchar(10), bcol int, ccol

create or replace view base_view as select id, acol, bcol, ccol from
create or replace view dep_view as select id, length(acol), bcol, ccol from

I would like to review the 3 specific cases:

alter table base_table alter column acol type varchar(20);    -- was
alter table base_table alter column bcol type bigint;              -- was
alter table base_table alter column ccol type text;                 -- was

At the moment these 3 statements all require that the views be dropped
first and then re-created last. The first case looks like:

-- for the varchar(10) to varchar(20) change
drop view dep_view;
drop view base_view;
alter table base_table ALTER COLUMN bcol type varchar(20);
create or replace view base_view as select id, acol, bcol from base_table;
create or replace view dep_view as select id, length(acol) from base_view;

In practical terms this need to drop and re-create the views gets
harder/bigger with more view dependencies.  With large complex schema's
this becomes a rather large pain.

Having read all the previous discussions on the general topic of altering
tables with dependent views I realise this is a complex and difficult issue
in general but I'd like to see if there was some support for looking at
these 3 more specific changes.
1. making a varchar column larger  e.g. varchar(10) -> varchar(20)
2. changing int to bigint
3. changing varchar to text

I have seen that there are people motivated enough to update pg_attribute
directly (update pg_attribute a set a.atttypmod = 20 + 4 ...).

What are the thoughts on support these 3 specific cases?

Thanks, Rob.

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