"D. Hageman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The goal of this patch is a solution to the issue that I found concerning 
> table visibility.  The problem with the way psql currently lists tables in 
> a database is that it limits it to only the tables currently in the search 
> path.

That's the intended behavior.  I don't think that "\dt foo" should show
any tables other than the same "foo" you'd get from an unqualified
reference to "foo".  If you want to know about foos that are not in
your search path, you can do "\dt *.foo".

Your proposed patch essentially eliminates the distinction between
\dt foo and \dt *.foo.  This doesn't seem like a step forward to me.
Perhaps what's really needed is a documentation patch explaining when
to use each?

                        regards, tom lane

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