Hi guys,

Just compiled PG 7.3.1 on Solaris 8 x86, and it failed the GEOMETRY regression test with one of those "15th decimal place is one digit different from expected" types of errors.

Nothing critical, but not sure if we're trying to have the correct results already accounted for, for Solaris 8 x86.

This is the regression.diff in case it's useful:


bash-2.03$ more /install/postgresql-7.3.1/src/test/regress/regression.diffs
*** ./expected/geometry-solaris-i386-pc.out Fri Mar 23 01:43:19 2001
--- ./results/geometry.out Wed Jan 8 21:27:49 2003
*** 127,133 ****
| (-5,-12) | [(10,-10),(-3,-4)] | (-1.60487804878049,-4.64390243902439)
| (10,10) | [(10,-10),(-3,-4)] | (2.39024390243902,-6.48780487804878)
| (0,0) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | (0.0028402365895872,15.384614860264)
! | (-10,0) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | (-9.99715942258202,15.3864610140473)
| (-3,4) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | (-2.99789812267519,15.3851688427303)
| (5.1,34.5) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | (5.09647083221496,15.3836744976925)
| (-5,-12) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | (-4.99494420845634,15.3855375281616)
--- 127,133 ----
| (-5,-12) | [(10,-10),(-3,-4)] | (-1.60487804878049,-4.64390243902439)
| (10,10) | [(10,-10),(-3,-4)] | (2.39024390243902,-6.48780487804878)
| (0,0) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | (0.0028402365895872,15.384614860264)
! | (-10,0) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | (-9.99715942258202,15.3864610140472)
| (-3,4) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | (-2.99789812267519,15.3851688427303)
| (5.1,34.5) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | (5.09647083221496,15.3836744976925)
| (-5,-12) | [(-1000000,200),(300000,-40)] | (-4.99494420845634,15.3855375281616)
*** 152,158 ****
| (2.12132034355964,2.12132034355964),(-2.12132034355964,-2.12132034355964)
| (71.7106781186548,72.7106781186548),(-69.7106781186548,-68.7106781186548)
| (4.53553390593274,6.53553390593274),(-2.53553390593274,-0.535533905932738)
! | (3.12132034355964,4.12132034355964),(-1.12132034355964,-0.121320343559642)
| (107.071067811865,207.071067811865),(92.9289321881345,192.928932188135)
| (170.710678118655,70.7106781186548),(29.2893218813452,-70.7106781186548)
(6 rows)
--- 152,158 ----
| (2.12132034355964,2.12132034355964),(-2.12132034355964,-2.12132034355964)
| (71.7106781186548,72.7106781186548),(-69.7106781186548,-68.7106781186548)
| (4.53553390593274,6.53553390593274),(-2.53553390593274,-0.535533905932738)
! | (3.12132034355964,4.12132034355964),(-1.12132034355964,-0.121320343559643)
| (107.071067811865,207.071067811865),(92.9289321881345,192.928932188135)
| (170.710678118655,70.7106781186548),(29.2893218813452,-70.7106781186548)
(6 rows)
*** 504,510 ****
ORDER BY distance, circle, point using <<;
twentyfour | circle | point | distance
! | <(100,0),100> | (5.1,34.5) | 0.976531926977965
| <(1,2),3> | (-3,4) | 1.47213595499958
| <(0,0),3> | (-3,4) | 2
| <(100,0),100> | (-3,4) | 3.07764064044151
--- 504,510 ----
ORDER BY distance, circle, point using <<;
twentyfour | circle | point | distance
! | <(100,0),100> | (5.1,34.5) | 0.976531926977964
| <(1,2),3> | (-3,4) | 1.47213595499958
| <(0,0),3> | (-3,4) | 2
| <(100,0),100> | (-3,4) | 3.07764064044151
*** 519,525 ****
| <(0,0),3> | (10,10) | 11.142135623731
| <(1,3),5> | (-5,-12) | 11.1554944214035
| <(1,2),3> | (-5,-12) | 12.2315462117278
! | <(1,3),5> | (5.1,34.5) | 26.7657047773223
| <(1,2),3> | (5.1,34.5) | 29.757594539282
| <(0,0),3> | (5.1,34.5) | 31.8749193547455
| <(100,200),10> | (5.1,34.5) | 180.778038568384
--- 519,525 ----
| <(0,0),3> | (10,10) | 11.142135623731
| <(1,3),5> | (-5,-12) | 11.1554944214035
| <(1,2),3> | (-5,-12) | 12.2315462117278
! | <(1,3),5> | (5.1,34.5) | 26.7657047773224
| <(1,2),3> | (5.1,34.5) | 29.757594539282
| <(0,0),3> | (5.1,34.5) | 31.8749193547455
| <(100,200),10> | (5.1,34.5) | 180.778038568384




CFLAGS and other relevant environment variables at time of compilation (trying to find the best ones):


LD_OPTIONS=-L/opt/pgsql/lib -R$ORIGIN/../lib -R/opt/pgsql/lib -i -s -z origin
CPPFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 -funroll-loops -fexpensive-optimizations -I/opt/pgsql/include
CFLAGS=-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 -funroll-loops -fexpensive-optimizations -I/opt/pgsql/include


Compiled using "./configure --prefix=/opt/pgsql --with-openssl"

Is this stuff useful?


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
- Indira Gandhi

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