Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-08-06 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 12:59 AM, Heikki Linnakangas  wrote:
> On 07/31/2015 02:01 AM, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
>> What prevents the tuple at the top of the in-memory heap at the point
>> of tuplesort_performsort() (say, one of the ones added to the heap as
>> our glut of memory was*partially*  consumed) being less than the
>> last/greatest tuple on tape? If the answer is "nothing", a merge step
>> is clearly required.
> Oh, ok, I was confused on how the heap works.

I think I explained this badly, by referencing a secondary reason why
we must do a merge. I will now do a better job of explaining why a
merge of in-memory and on disk tuples is necessary, for the benefit of
other people (I think you get it).

The main reason why a merge step is required is that the memtuples
array will contain some tuples that were classified as belonging to a
second run. Therefore, those tuples may well be lower than the highest
on-tape tuples in terms of sort order (in fact, they may be lower than
any on-tape tuple). I cannot simply return all tape tuples followed by
all in-memory tuples to the caller, and so I must merge, and so only
!randomAccess callers may get a "quicksort with spillover". I can only
get away with **avoiding dumping all tuples** and just merging instead
because I "reject" this determination that a second *traditional/tape*
run is needed. I am therefore free of any obligation to merge this
would-be traditional second run separately.

Another way of explaining it is that I do an all-in-memory merge of
some part of the first run, and all the second run (by quicksorting).
I then merge this with the original chunk of the first run that is
sorted on tape (that was sorted by incremental spilling from the

The next version of the patch (the patch may be split in two --
"quicksort with spillover", and "merge sort" optimization) will make
sure that any comparisons that go into maintaining the heap invariant
are not wasted on the second run, since it will always be quicksorted.
We only need to compare the second run tuples pre-quicksort in order
to determine that they belong to that run and not the current (first)

Does that make sense? Have I explained that well?

Peter Geoghegan

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Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-08-06 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 1:24 AM, Heikki Linnakangas  wrote:
> Yeah, I don't think there's a big performance difference between the two
> approaches. I'm not wedded to either approach. Whichever approach we use, my
> main point was that it would be better to handle this in the logical tape
> abstraction. In my approach, you would have those "in-memory tails" attached
> to the last two tapes. In Peter's approach, you would have one tape that's
> completely in memory, backed by the array. In either case, the tapes would
> look like normal tapes to most of tuplesort.c. There would be no extra TSS
> state, it would be TSS_SORTEDONTAPE or TSS_FINALMERGE as usual.

TBH, it's not clear to me why making the logical tape abstraction
manage some fraction of memtuples has any advantage at all. The only
case that I can imagine where this could be useful is where a logical
tape does asynchronous I/O, and has the benefit of some portion of
memtuples (probably half) as scratch space (most I/O probably occurs
while tuplesort quicksorts the other half of memtuples). But that has
nothing to do with building a better abstraction.

The more expansive patch that I'm currently working on, that covers
every external sorting case -- the patch to *also* quicksort runs past
the first run, regardless of whether or not we can get away with a
"quicksort with spillover" -- is going very well. I haven't had a
solid block of time to work on it this week due to other commitments,
but it isn't very complicated. Performance benefits are considerable
even without saving any I/O. I can be as much as twice as fast for
"merge sort" sorts in some cases. So not quite as nice as "quicksort
with spillover", but still a significant improvement considering
writing everything out is inevitable for the cases helped.

As I said before, the upcoming patch has tuplesort give up on
memtuples *ever* being a heap after the first run, whatever happens. I
just quicksort and dump in batches past the first run. Since I give up
on replacement selection sort only after the first run, I still have
most of the upside of replacement selection, but little of the big
downside of heap maintenance. This will result in smaller runs on
average past the first run. I can give you at least 3 very strong
arguments for why this is totally worth it in every case, but I'll
wait till I'm asked for them.  :-)

One useful saving made in this upcoming multi-tape-run patch is that
it never treats any non-current run as part of the heap beyond its run
number, even when currentRun is the first (run 0). So no comparisons
occur beyond the first run to maintain the heap invariant *even when
the first run is current*  -- tuples are simply appended that belong
to the second run (we only do an extra comparison to determine that
that's the run they belong in). So the second run (run 1) is not
trusted to be heapified by dumptuples(), and is quicksorted (either by
"quicksort with spillover", along with much of the first run, or on
its own, when there are multiple conventional on-tape runs; it doesn't
matter which way it is quicksorted). From there on, every run is
quicksorted when memtuples fills, and written out entirely in memtuple
sized batches.

> The logical tape abstraction is currently too low-level for that. It's just
> a tape of bytes, and tuplesort.c determines where a tuple begins and ends.
> That needs to be changed so that the logical tape abstraction works
> tuple-at-a-time instead. For example, instead of LogicalTapeRead(N) which
> reads N bytes, you would have LogicalTapeReadTuple(), which reads next
> tuple, and returns its length and the tuple itself. But that would be quite
> sensible anyway.

Why would it be sensible? I honestly wonder why you want to do things
that way. What is the advantage of not having what I call the
in-memory "subrun" managed by a logical tape? It's already nothing
like any other type of run in several ways. Aside from being all
in-memory, it is often much larger. It's special in that it kind of
rejects the preliminary determination that some tuples within
memtuples need to be in a second, traditional, on-tape run (because we
can just quicksort everything and merge with the existing single
on-tape run). Also, we now need tuplesort_gettuple_common() to ask
READTUP() what to tell its caller about freeing memory that is
allocated in within tuplesort.c directly.

The memtuples array is already treated as an array, a heap, the head
of each tape that is merged, and maybe one other thing that I forgot
about offhand. The field SortTuple.tupindex has a total of 3
context-dependent meanings. Playing these kind of games with the
memtuples array is very much something that happens already.

More than anything else, I think that the new TSS_MEMTAPEMERGE state
is justified as a special case because "quicksort with spillover" is
legitimately a special case. Users will want to know how close they
were to an internal sort when looking at EXPLAIN ANALYZE and so on.
When co

Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-08-04 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 1:24 AM, Heikki Linnakangas  wrote:
> Yeah, something like that. To paraphrase, if I'm now understanding it
> correctly, Peter's idea is:
> When all the tuples have been fed to tuplesort, and it's time to perform the
> sort, quicksort all the tuples currently in the heap, ignoring the run
> numbers, and turn the resulting array into another tape. That tape is
> special: it's actually stored completely in memory. It is merged with the
> "real" tapes when tuples are returned from the tuplesort, just like regular
> tapes in TSS_FINALMERGE.

Yeah. I imagine that we'll want to put memory prefetch hints for the
new case, since I've independently shown that that works well for the
in-memory case, which this can be very close to.

My next patch will also include quicksorting of runs after we give up
on heapification (after there is more than one run and it is
established that we cannot use my "quicksort with spillover"
optimization, so there are two or more "real" runs on tape). Once
there is clearly not going to be one huge run (which can happen due to
everything largely being in order, even when work_mem is small), and
once incrementally spilling does not end in time to do a "quicksort
with spillover", then the replacement selection thing isn't too
valuable. Especially with large memory sizes but memory bandwidth +
latency as a bottleneck, which is the norm these days.

This seems simpler than my earlier idea of reusing half the memtuples
array only, and resorting the entire array each time, to have
something that consistently approximates replacement selection but
with quicksorting + batching, which I discussed before.

I have this working, and it takes about a good chunk of the runtime
off a sort that merges 3 runs on one reasonable case tested where
work_mem was 300MB. It went from about 56.6 seconds with master to
35.8 seconds with this new approach when tested just now (this
approach saves no writing of tuples, so it's not as effective as the
original "quicksort with spillover" patch can be, but covers a
fundamentally different case). I just need to clean up the patch, and
see if I missed any further optimizations, but this feels like the way
forward multi-run wise. I think it's worth giving up on replacement
selection style runs after the first run is produced, because that's
where the benefits are, if anywhere.

Peter Geoghegan

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Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-08-04 Thread Heikki Linnakangas

On 08/03/2015 11:36 PM, Robert Haas wrote:

On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Peter Geoghegan  wrote:

When it's time to drain the heap, in performsort, divide the array into two
arrays, based on the run number of each tuple, and then quicksort the arrays
separately. The first array becomes the in-memory tail of the current tape,
and the second array becomes the in-memory tail of the next tape.

You wouldn't want to actually allocate two arrays and copy SortTuples
around, but keep using the single large array, just logically divided into
two. So the bookkeeping isn't trivial, but seems doable.

You're talking about a new thing here, that happens when it is
necessary to dump everything and do a conventional merging of on-tape
runs. IOW, we cannot fit a significant fraction of overall tuples in
memory, and we need much of the memtuples array for the next run
(usually this ends as a TSS_FINALMERGE). That being the case

I don't think that's what Heikki is talking about.  He can correct me
if I'm wrong, but what I think he's saying is that we should try to
exploit the fact that we've already determined which in-memory tuples
can be part of the current run and which in-memory tuples must become
part of the next run.  Suppose half the tuples in memory can become
part of the current run and the other half must become part of the
next run.  If we throw all of those tuples into a single bucket and
quicksort it, we're losing the benefit of the comparisons we did to
figure out which tuples go in which runs.  Instead, we could quicksort
the current-run tuples and, separately, quick-sort the next-run
tuples.  Ignore the current-run tuples completely until the tape is
empty, and then merge them with any next-run tuples that remain.

Yeah, something like that. To paraphrase, if I'm now understanding it 
correctly, Peter's idea is:

When all the tuples have been fed to tuplesort, and it's time to perform 
the sort, quicksort all the tuples currently in the heap, ignoring the 
run numbers, and turn the resulting array into another tape. That tape 
is special: it's actually stored completely in memory. It is merged with 
the "real" tapes when tuples are returned from the tuplesort, just like 
regular tapes in TSS_FINALMERGE.

And my idea is:

When all the tuples have been fed to tuplesort, and it's time to perform 
the sort, take all the tuples in the heap belonging to currentRun, 
quicksort them, and make them part of the current tape. They're not just 
pushed to the tape as usual, however, but attached as in-memory tail of 
the current tape. The logical tape abstraction will return them after 
all the tuples already in the tape, as if they were pushed to the tape 
as usual. Then take all the remaining tuples in the heap (if any), 
belonging to next tape, and do the same for them. They become an 
in-memory tail of the next tape.

I'm not sure if there's any reason to believe that would be faster
than your approach.  In general, sorting is O(n lg n) so sorting two
arrays that are each half as large figures to be slightly faster than
sorting one big array.  But the difference may not amount to much.

Yeah, I don't think there's a big performance difference between the two 
approaches. I'm not wedded to either approach. Whichever approach we 
use, my main point was that it would be better to handle this in the 
logical tape abstraction. In my approach, you would have those 
"in-memory tails" attached to the last two tapes. In Peter's approach, 
you would have one tape that's completely in memory, backed by the 
array. In either case, the tapes would look like normal tapes to most of 
tuplesort.c. There would be no extra TSS state, it would be 

The logical tape abstraction is currently too low-level for that. It's 
just a tape of bytes, and tuplesort.c determines where a tuple begins 
and ends. That needs to be changed so that the logical tape abstraction 
works tuple-at-a-time instead. For example, instead of 
LogicalTapeRead(N) which reads N bytes, you would have 
LogicalTapeReadTuple(), which reads next tuple, and returns its length 
and the tuple itself. But that would be quite sensible anyway.

- Heikki

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Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-08-03 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 1:36 PM, Robert Haas  wrote:
> I don't think that's what Heikki is talking about.  He can correct me
> if I'm wrong, but what I think he's saying is that we should try to
> exploit the fact that we've already determined which in-memory tuples
> can be part of the current run and which in-memory tuples must become
> part of the next run.  Suppose half the tuples in memory can become
> part of the current run and the other half must become part of the
> next run.  If we throw all of those tuples into a single bucket and
> quicksort it, we're losing the benefit of the comparisons we did to
> figure out which tuples go in which runs.  Instead, we could quicksort
> the current-run tuples and, separately, quick-sort the next-run
> tuples.  Ignore the current-run tuples completely until the tape is
> empty, and then merge them with any next-run tuples that remain.

Oh. Well, the benefit of "the comparisons we did to figure out which
tuples go in which runs" is that we can determine the applicability of
this optimization. Also, by keeping run 1 (if any) usually in memory,
and run 0 partially on disk we avoid having to worry about run 1 as a
thing that spoils the optimization (in the current "single run
optimization", dumping all tuples can make us "acknowledge" run 1
(i.e. currentRun++), preventing single run optimization, which we
handily avoid in the patch). Finally, it saves us a bunch of real
COMPARETUP() comparisons as HEAPCOMPARE() is called as tuples are
inserted into the still-heapified memtuples array.

> I'm not sure if there's any reason to believe that would be faster
> than your approach.  In general, sorting is O(n lg n) so sorting two
> arrays that are each half as large figures to be slightly faster than
> sorting one big array.  But the difference may not amount to much.

IMV, the smart way of avoiding wasting "the comparisons we did to
figure out which tuples go in which runs" is to rig HEAPCOMPARE() to
only do a COMPARETUP() for the currentRun, and make sure that we don't
mess up and forget that if we don't end up quicksorting.

The second run that is in memory can only consist of whatever tuples
were added after heapification that were less than any of those
previously observed tuples (a big majority, usually). So like you, I
can't see any of these techniques helping much, even my "smart"
technique. Maybe I should look at a case involving text or something
to be sure.

Thinking about it some more, I don't think it would be easy to
maintain a clear separation between run 0 and run 1 in the memtuples
array in terms of a cutoff point. It's still a heap at that stage, of
course. You'd have to rig each tuple comparator so that COMPARETUP()
cared about tupindex before comparing datum1 just for this, which
seems rather unappealing.

Peter Geoghegan

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Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-08-03 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Peter Geoghegan  wrote:
>> When it's time to drain the heap, in performsort, divide the array into two
>> arrays, based on the run number of each tuple, and then quicksort the arrays
>> separately. The first array becomes the in-memory tail of the current tape,
>> and the second array becomes the in-memory tail of the next tape.
>> You wouldn't want to actually allocate two arrays and copy SortTuples
>> around, but keep using the single large array, just logically divided into
>> two. So the bookkeeping isn't trivial, but seems doable.
> You're talking about a new thing here, that happens when it is
> necessary to dump everything and do a conventional merging of on-tape
> runs. IOW, we cannot fit a significant fraction of overall tuples in
> memory, and we need much of the memtuples array for the next run
> (usually this ends as a TSS_FINALMERGE). That being the case
> (...right?),

I don't think that's what Heikki is talking about.  He can correct me
if I'm wrong, but what I think he's saying is that we should try to
exploit the fact that we've already determined which in-memory tuples
can be part of the current run and which in-memory tuples must become
part of the next run.  Suppose half the tuples in memory can become
part of the current run and the other half must become part of the
next run.  If we throw all of those tuples into a single bucket and
quicksort it, we're losing the benefit of the comparisons we did to
figure out which tuples go in which runs.  Instead, we could quicksort
the current-run tuples and, separately, quick-sort the next-run
tuples.  Ignore the current-run tuples completely until the tape is
empty, and then merge them with any next-run tuples that remain.

I'm not sure if there's any reason to believe that would be faster
than your approach.  In general, sorting is O(n lg n) so sorting two
arrays that are each half as large figures to be slightly faster than
sorting one big array.  But the difference may not amount to much.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-08-03 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 12:59 AM, Heikki Linnakangas  wrote:
> Oh, ok, I was confused on how the heap works. You could still abstract this
> as "in-memory tails" of the tapes, but it's more complicated than I thought
> at first:
> When it's time to drain the heap, in performsort, divide the array into two
> arrays, based on the run number of each tuple, and then quicksort the arrays
> separately. The first array becomes the in-memory tail of the current tape,
> and the second array becomes the in-memory tail of the next tape.
> You wouldn't want to actually allocate two arrays and copy SortTuples
> around, but keep using the single large array, just logically divided into
> two. So the bookkeeping isn't trivial, but seems doable.

Since you're talking about the case where we must drain all tuples
within tuplesort_performsort(), I think you're talking about a
distinct idea here (since surely you're not suggesting giving up on my
idea of avoiding dumping most tuples, which is a key strength of the
patch). That's fine, but I just want to be clear on that. Importantly,
my optimization does not care about the fact that the array may have
two runs in it, because it quicksorts the array and forgets about it
being a heap. It only cares whether or not more than one run made it
out to tape, which makes it more widely applicable than it would
otherwise be. Also, the fact that much I/O can be avoided is clearly
something that can only happen when work_mem is at least ~50% of a
work_mem setting that would have resulted in an (entirely) internal

You're talking about a new thing here, that happens when it is
necessary to dump everything and do a conventional merging of on-tape
runs. IOW, we cannot fit a significant fraction of overall tuples in
memory, and we need much of the memtuples array for the next run
(usually this ends as a TSS_FINALMERGE). That being the case
(...right?), I'm confused that you're talking about doing something
clever within tuplesort_performsort(). In the case you're targeting,
won't the vast majority of tuple dumping (through calls to
dumptuples()) occur within puttuple_common()?

I think that my optimization should probably retain it's own
state.status even if we do this (i.e. TSS_MEMTAPEMERGE should stay).

> Hmm, I can see another possible optimization here, in the way the heap is
> managed in TSS_BUILDRUNS state. Instead of keeping a single heap, with
> tupindex as the leading key, it would be more cache efficient to keep one
> heap for the currentRun, and an unsorted array of tuples belonging to
> currentRun + 1. When the heap becomes empty, and currentRun is incemented,
> quicksort the unsorted array to become the new heap.
> That's a completely separate idea from your patch, although if you did it
> that way, you wouldn't need the extra step to divide the large array into
> two, as you'd maintain that division all the time.

This sounds to me like a refinement of your first idea (the idea that
I just wrote about).

I think the biggest problem with tuplesort after this patch of mine is
committed is that it is still too attached to the idea of
incrementally spilling and sifting. It makes sense to some degree
where it makes my patch possible...if we hang on to the idea of
incrementally spilling tuples on to tape in sorted order for a while,
then maybe we can hang on for long enough to quicksort most tuples,
*and* to avoid actually dumping most tuples (incremental spills make
the latter possible). But when work_mem is only, say, 10% of the
setting required for a fully internal sort, then the incremental
spilling and sifting starts to look dubious, at least to me, because
the TSS_MEMTAPEMERGE optimization added by my patch could not possibly
apply, and dumping and merging many times is inevitable.

What I think you're getting at here is that we still have a heap, but
we don't use the heap to distinguish between tuples within a run. In
other words, HEAPCOMPARE() often/always only cares about run number.
We quicksort after a deferred period of time, probably just before
dumping everything. Perhaps I've misunderstood, but I don't see much
point in quicksorting a run before being sure that you're sorting as
opposed to heapifying at that point (you're not clear on what we've
decided on once we quicksort). I think it could make sense to make
HEAPCOMPARE() not care about tuples within a run that is not
currentRun, though.

I think that anything that gives up on replacement selection's ability
to generate large runs, particularly for already sorted inputs will be
too hard a sell (not that I think that's what you proposed). That's
way, way less of an advantage than it was in the past (back when
external sorts took place using actual magnetic tape, it was a huge),
but the fact remains that it is an advantage. And so, I've been
prototyping an approach where we don't heapify once it is established
that this TSS_MEMTAPEMERGE optimization of mine cannot possibly apply.
We quicksort in batches r

Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-07-31 Thread Heikki Linnakangas

On 07/31/2015 02:01 AM, Peter Geoghegan wrote:

What prevents the tuple at the top of the in-memory heap at the point
of tuplesort_performsort() (say, one of the ones added to the heap as
our glut of memory was*partially*  consumed) being less than the
last/greatest tuple on tape? If the answer is "nothing", a merge step
is clearly required.

Oh, ok, I was confused on how the heap works. You could still abstract 
this as "in-memory tails" of the tapes, but it's more complicated than I 
thought at first:

When it's time to drain the heap, in performsort, divide the array into 
two arrays, based on the run number of each tuple, and then quicksort 
the arrays separately. The first array becomes the in-memory tail of the 
current tape, and the second array becomes the in-memory tail of the 
next tape.

You wouldn't want to actually allocate two arrays and copy SortTuples 
around, but keep using the single large array, just logically divided 
into two. So the bookkeeping isn't trivial, but seems doable.

Hmm, I can see another possible optimization here, in the way the heap 
is managed in TSS_BUILDRUNS state. Instead of keeping a single heap, 
with tupindex as the leading key, it would be more cache efficient to 
keep one heap for the currentRun, and an unsorted array of tuples 
belonging to currentRun + 1. When the heap becomes empty, and currentRun 
is incemented, quicksort the unsorted array to become the new heap.

That's a completely separate idea from your patch, although if you did 
it that way, you wouldn't need the extra step to divide the large array 
into two, as you'd maintain that division all the time.

- Heikki

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Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-07-30 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 4:01 PM, Peter Geoghegan  wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Heikki Linnakangas  wrote:
>> Hmm. You don't really need to merge the in-memory array into the tape, as
>> you know that all the tuples in the in-memory must come after the tuples
>> already on the tape. You can just return all the tuples from the tape first,
>> and then all the tuples from the array.
> It's more complicated than it appears, I think. Tuples may be variable
> sized. WRITETUP() performs a pfree(), and gives us back a variable
> amount of availMem. What if we dumped a single, massive, outlier tuple
> out when a caller passes it and it goes to the root of the heap? We'd
> dump that massive tuple in one go (this would be an incremental
> dumptuples() call, which we still do in the patch), making things
> !LACKMEM() again, but by an usually comfortable margin. We read in a
> few more regular tuples, but we're done consuming tuples before things
> ever get LACKMEM() again (no more dumping needed, at least with this
> patch applied).
> What prevents the tuple at the top of the in-memory heap at the point
> of tuplesort_performsort() (say, one of the ones added to the heap as
> our glut of memory was *partially* consumed) being less than the
> last/greatest tuple on tape? If the answer is "nothing", a merge step
> is clearly required.

It's simple to prove this with the attached rough patch, intended to
be applied on top of Postgres with my patch. It hacks
tuplesort_gettuple_common() to always return tape tuples first, before
returning memtuples only when tape tuples have been totally exhausted.
If you run my cursory regression test suite with this, you'll see
serious regressions. I also attach a regression test diff file from my
development system, to save you the trouble of trying this yourself.
Note how the "count(distinct(s))" numbers get closer to being correct
(lower) as work_mem increases make tuplesort approach an internal

It's possible that we can get away with something cheaper than a merge
step, but my impression right now is that it isn't terribly expensive.
OTOH, if we can make this work with the randomAccess case by being
more clever about merging, that could be worthwhile.
Peter Geoghegan
diff --git a/src/backend/utils/sort/tuplesort.c b/src/backend/utils/sort/tuplesort.c
index 5371f4f..ce79347 100644
--- a/src/backend/utils/sort/tuplesort.c
+++ b/src/backend/utils/sort/tuplesort.c
@@ -2022,7 +2022,6 @@ just_memtuples:
 			Assert(state->current < state->memtupcount);
-			if (COMPARETUP(state, stup, &state->memtuples[state->current]) <= 0)
  * Tape tuple less than or equal to memtuple array current
@@ -2031,18 +2030,6 @@ just_memtuples:
 state->cached = false;
 *should_free = true;
-			else
-			{
- * Tape tuple greater than memtuple array's current tuple.
- *
- * Return current memtuple tuple, and cache tape tuple for
- * next call, where it may be returned.
- */
-state->cached = true;
-*should_free = false;
-*stup = state->memtuples[state->current++];
-			}
 			return true;

Description: Binary data

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Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-07-30 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 3:47 AM, Simon Riggs  wrote:
> This is a good optimization for the common case where tuples are mostly
> already in order. We could increase the usefulness of this by making UPDATE
> pick blocks that are close to a tuple's original block, rather than putting
> them near the end of a relation.

Not sure what you mean here.

>> So here's a shorter/different explanation of this optimization: When it's
>> time to perform the sort, instead of draining the in-memory heap one tuple
>> at a time to the last tape, you sort the heap with quicksort, and pretend
>> that the sorted heap belongs to the last tape, after all the other tuples in
>> the tape.
>> Some questions/thoughts on that:
>> Isn't that optimization applicable even when you have multiple runs?
>> Quicksorting the heap and keeping it as an array in memory is surely always
>> faster than heapsorting and pushing it to the tape.
> It's about use of memory. If you have multiple runs on tape, then they will
> need to be merged and you need memory to do that efficiently. If there are
> tuples in the last batch still in memory then it can work, but it depends
> upon how full memory is from the last batch and how many batches there are.

I agree that this optimization has a lot to do with exploiting the
fact that you don't need to free the memtuples array for future runs
because you've already received all tuples (or keep space free for
previous runs). I think that we should still use quicksort on runs
where this optimization doesn't work out, but I also still think that
that's a different idea. Doing what I've proposed here when there are
multiple runs seems less valuable, if only because you're not going to
avoid that much writing.

Peter Geoghegan

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Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-07-30 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 11:32 AM, Robert Haas  wrote:
> Very interesting.  And great performance numbers.  Thanks for taking
> the time to investigate this - really cool.


Peter Geoghegan

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Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-07-30 Thread Peter Geoghegan
On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:00 AM, Heikki Linnakangas  wrote:
> Hmm. You don't really need to merge the in-memory array into the tape, as
> you know that all the tuples in the in-memory must come after the tuples
> already on the tape. You can just return all the tuples from the tape first,
> and then all the tuples from the array.

It's more complicated than it appears, I think. Tuples may be variable
sized. WRITETUP() performs a pfree(), and gives us back a variable
amount of availMem. What if we dumped a single, massive, outlier tuple
out when a caller passes it and it goes to the root of the heap? We'd
dump that massive tuple in one go (this would be an incremental
dumptuples() call, which we still do in the patch), making things
!LACKMEM() again, but by an usually comfortable margin. We read in a
few more regular tuples, but we're done consuming tuples before things
ever get LACKMEM() again (no more dumping needed, at least with this
patch applied).

What prevents the tuple at the top of the in-memory heap at the point
of tuplesort_performsort() (say, one of the ones added to the heap as
our glut of memory was *partially* consumed) being less than the
last/greatest tuple on tape? If the answer is "nothing", a merge step
is clearly required.

This is not a problem when every single tuple is dumped, but that
doesn't happen anymore. I probably should have shown more tests, that
tested HeapTuple sorts (not just datum tuple sorts). I agree that
things at least usually happen as you describe, FWIW.

> I think it'd make sense to structure the code differently, to match the way
> I described this optimization above. Instead of adding a new tuplesort state
> for this, abstract this in the logical tape code. Add a function to attach
> an in-memory "tail" to a tape, and have LogicalTapeRead() read from the tail
> after reading the on-disk tape. The rest of the code wouldn't need to care
> that sometimes part of the tape is actually in memory.

I'll need to think about all of that. Certainly, quicksorting runs in
a more general way seems like a very promising idea, and I know that
this patch does not go far enough. But it also add this idea of not
dumping out most tuples, which seems impossible to generalize further,
so maybe it's a useful special case to start from for that reason (and
also because it's where the pain is currently felt most often).

>> +* Note that there might actually be 2 runs, but only the
>> +* contents of one of them went to tape, and so we can
>> +* safely "pretend" that there is only 1 run (since we're
>> +* about to give up on the idea of the memtuples array being
>> +* a heap).  This means that if our sort happened to require
>> +* random access, the similar "single run" optimization
>> +* below (which sets TSS_SORTEDONTAPE) might not be used at
>> +* all.  This is because dumping all tuples out might have
>> +* forced an otherwise equivalent randomAccess case to
>> +* acknowledge a second run, which we can avoid.
> Is that really true? We don't start a second run until we have to, i.e. when
> it's time to dump the first tuple of the second run to tape. So I don't
> think the case you describe above, where you have two runs but only one of
> them has tuples on disk, can actually happen.

I think we're talking about two slightly different things. I agree
that I am avoiding "starting" a second run because I am avoiding
dumping tuples, just as you say (I describe this as avoiding
"acknowledging" a second run). But there could still be SortTuples
that have a tupindex that is > 0 (they could be 1, to be specific).
It's pretty clear from looking at the TSS_BUILDRUNS case within
puttuple_common() that this is true. So, if instead you define
"starting" a tuple as adding a sortTuple with a tupindex that is > 0,
then yes, this comment is true.

The important thing is that since we're not dumping every tuple, it
doesn't matter whether or not a that TSS_BUILDRUNS case within
puttuple_common() ever took the "currentRun + 1" insertion path (which
can easily happen), provided things aren't so skewed that it ends up
on tape even without dumping all tuples (which seems much less
likely). As I've said, this optimization will occur a lot more often
then the existing one run optimization (assuming !randomAccess), as a
nice side benefit of not dumping every tuple. Quicksort does not use
HEAPCOMPARE(), so clearly having multiple runs in that "subrun" is a

Whether or not we say that a second run "started", or that there was
merely the "unfulfilled intent to start a new, second run" is just
semantics. While I certainly care about semantics, my point is that we
agree that this useful "pretend there is only one run" thing happens
(I think). The existing one run optimization only really occurs when
the range of values in the set of tuples is well characterized by the
tuple values observed during initial heapification, w

Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-07-30 Thread Robert Haas
On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 9:05 PM, Peter Geoghegan  wrote:
> The behavior of external sorts that do not require any merge step due
> to only having one run (what EXPLAIN ANALYZE output shows as an
> "external sort", and not a "merge sort") seems like an area that can
> be significantly improved upon. As noted in code comments, this
> optimization did not appear in The Art of Computer Programming, Volume
> III. It's not an unreasonable idea, but it doesn't work well on modern
> machines due to using heapsort, which is known to use the cache
> ineffectively. It also often implies significant additional I/O for
> little or no benefit. I suspect that all the reports we've heard of
> smaller work_mem sizes improving sort performance are actually down to
> this one-run optimization *hurting* performance.

Very interesting.  And great performance numbers.  Thanks for taking
the time to investigate this - really cool.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-07-30 Thread Heikki Linnakangas

On 07/30/2015 01:47 PM, Simon Riggs wrote:

On 30 July 2015 at 08:00, Heikki Linnakangas  wrote:

So here's a shorter/different explanation of this optimization: When it's
time to perform the sort, instead of draining the in-memory heap one tuple
at a time to the last tape, you sort the heap with quicksort, and pretend
that the sorted heap belongs to the last tape, after all the other tuples
in the tape.

Some questions/thoughts on that:

Isn't that optimization applicable even when you have multiple runs?
Quicksorting the heap and keeping it as an array in memory is surely always
faster than heapsorting and pushing it to the tape.

It's about use of memory. If you have multiple runs on tape, then they will
need to be merged and you need memory to do that efficiently. If there are
tuples in the last batch still in memory then it can work, but it depends
upon how full memory is from the last batch and how many batches there are.

True, you need a heap to hold the next tuple from each tape in the merge 
step. To avoid exceeding work_mem, you'd need to push some tuples from 
the in-memory array to the tape to make room for that. In practice, 
though, the memory needed for the merge step's heap is tiny. Even if you 
merge 1000 tapes, you only need memory for 1000 tuples in the heap. But 
yeah, you'll need some logic to share/divide the in-memory array between 
the heap and the "in-memory tail" of the last tape.

- Heikki

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Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-07-30 Thread Simon Riggs
On 30 July 2015 at 08:00, Heikki Linnakangas  wrote:

> Hmm. You don't really need to merge the in-memory array into the tape, as
> you know that all the tuples in the in-memory must come after the tuples
> already on the tape. You can just return all the tuples from the tape
> first, and then all the tuples from the array.


This is a good optimization for the common case where tuples are mostly
already in order. We could increase the usefulness of this by making UPDATE
pick blocks that are close to a tuple's original block, rather than putting
them near the end of a relation.

> So here's a shorter/different explanation of this optimization: When it's
> time to perform the sort, instead of draining the in-memory heap one tuple
> at a time to the last tape, you sort the heap with quicksort, and pretend
> that the sorted heap belongs to the last tape, after all the other tuples
> in the tape.
> Some questions/thoughts on that:
> Isn't that optimization applicable even when you have multiple runs?
> Quicksorting the heap and keeping it as an array in memory is surely always
> faster than heapsorting and pushing it to the tape.

It's about use of memory. If you have multiple runs on tape, then they will
need to be merged and you need memory to do that efficiently. If there are
tuples in the last batch still in memory then it can work, but it depends
upon how full memory is from the last batch and how many batches there are.

Simon Riggs

PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

Re: [HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-07-30 Thread Heikki Linnakangas

On 07/30/2015 04:05 AM, Peter Geoghegan wrote:

Patch -- "quicksort with spillover"

With the attached patch, I propose to add an additional, better "one
run special case" optimization. This new special case "splits" the
single run into 2 "subruns". One of the runs is comprised of whatever
tuples were in memory when the caller finished passing tuples to
tuplesort. To sort that, we use quicksort, which in general has
various properties that make it much faster than heapsort -- it's a
cache oblivious algorithm, which is important these days. The other
"subrun" is whatever tuples were on-tape when tuplesort_performsort()
was called. This will often be a minority of the total, but certainly
never much more than half. This is already sorted when
tuplesort_performsort() is reached. This spillover is already inserted
at the front of the sorted-on-tape tuples, and so already has
reasonably good cache characteristics.

With the patch, we perform an on-the-fly merge that is somewhat
similar to the existing (unaffected) "merge sort" TSS_FINALMERGE case,
except that one of the runs is in memory, and is potentially much
larger than the on-tape/disk run (but never much smaller), and is
quicksorted. The existing "merge sort" case similarly is only used
when the caller specified !randomAccess.

Hmm. You don't really need to merge the in-memory array into the tape, 
as you know that all the tuples in the in-memory must come after the 
tuples already on the tape. You can just return all the tuples from the 
tape first, and then all the tuples from the array.

So here's a shorter/different explanation of this optimization: When 
it's time to perform the sort, instead of draining the in-memory heap 
one tuple at a time to the last tape, you sort the heap with quicksort, 
and pretend that the sorted heap belongs to the last tape, after all the 
other tuples in the tape.

Some questions/thoughts on that:

Isn't that optimization applicable even when you have multiple runs? 
Quicksorting the heap and keeping it as an array in memory is surely 
always faster than heapsorting and pushing it to the tape.

I think it'd make sense to structure the code differently, to match the 
way I described this optimization above. Instead of adding a new 
tuplesort state for this, abstract this in the logical tape code. Add a 
function to attach an in-memory "tail" to a tape, and have 
LogicalTapeRead() read from the tail after reading the on-disk tape. The 
rest of the code wouldn't need to care that sometimes part of the tape 
is actually in memory.

It should be pretty easy to support randomAccess too. If you think of 
the in-memory heap as a tail of the last tape, you can easily move 
backwards from the in-memory heap back to the on-disk tape, too.

+* Note that there might actually be 2 runs, but only the
+* contents of one of them went to tape, and so we can
+* safely "pretend" that there is only 1 run (since we're
+* about to give up on the idea of the memtuples array being
+* a heap).  This means that if our sort happened to require
+* random access, the similar "single run" optimization
+* below (which sets TSS_SORTEDONTAPE) might not be used at
+* all.  This is because dumping all tuples out might have
+* forced an otherwise equivalent randomAccess case to
+* acknowledge a second run, which we can avoid.

Is that really true? We don't start a second run until we have to, i.e. 
when it's time to dump the first tuple of the second run to tape. So I 
don't think the case you describe above, where you have two runs but 
only one of them has tuples on disk, can actually happen.




Even more impressive!

Future work

As an extra optimization, you could delay quicksorting the in-memory 
array until it's time to read the first tuple from it. If the caller 
reads only the top-N tuples from the sort for some reason (other than 
LIMIT, which we already optimize for), that could avoid a lot of work.

- Heikki

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[HACKERS] Using quicksort and a merge step to significantly improve on tuplesort's single run "external sort"

2015-07-29 Thread Peter Geoghegan
The behavior of external sorts that do not require any merge step due
to only having one run (what EXPLAIN ANALYZE output shows as an
"external sort", and not a "merge sort") seems like an area that can
be significantly improved upon. As noted in code comments, this
optimization did not appear in The Art of Computer Programming, Volume
III. It's not an unreasonable idea, but it doesn't work well on modern
machines due to using heapsort, which is known to use the cache
ineffectively. It also often implies significant additional I/O for
little or no benefit. I suspect that all the reports we've heard of
smaller work_mem sizes improving sort performance are actually down to
this one-run optimization *hurting* performance.

The existing optimization for this case tries to benefit from avoiding
a final N-way merge step; that's what it's all about (this is not to
be confused with the other reason why a sort can end in
TSS_SORTEDONTAPE -- because random tape access is required, and an
*on-the-fly* TSS_FINALMERGE merge step cannot happen. Currently,
TSS_SORTEDONTAPE is sometimes the "fast" case and sometimes the slow
case taken only because the caller specified randomAccess, and I'm
improving on only the "fast" case [1], where the caller may or may not
have requested randomAccess. I require that they specify !randomAccess
to use my improved optimization, though, and I'm not trying to avoid a
merge step.)

The existing optimization just dumps all tuples in the memtuples array
(which is a heap at that point) to tape, from the top of the heap,
writing a tuple out at a time, maintaining the heap invariant
throughout. Then, with the memtuples array emptied, tuples are fetched
from tape/disk for client code, without any merge step occurring
on-the-fly (or at all).

Patch -- "quicksort with spillover"

With the attached patch, I propose to add an additional, better "one
run special case" optimization. This new special case "splits" the
single run into 2 "subruns". One of the runs is comprised of whatever
tuples were in memory when the caller finished passing tuples to
tuplesort. To sort that, we use quicksort, which in general has
various properties that make it much faster than heapsort -- it's a
cache oblivious algorithm, which is important these days. The other
"subrun" is whatever tuples were on-tape when tuplesort_performsort()
was called. This will often be a minority of the total, but certainly
never much more than half. This is already sorted when
tuplesort_performsort() is reached. This spillover is already inserted
at the front of the sorted-on-tape tuples, and so already has
reasonably good cache characteristics.

With the patch, we perform an on-the-fly merge that is somewhat
similar to the existing (unaffected) "merge sort" TSS_FINALMERGE case,
except that one of the runs is in memory, and is potentially much
larger than the on-tape/disk run (but never much smaller), and is
quicksorted. The existing "merge sort" case similarly is only used
when the caller specified !randomAccess.

For subtle reasons, the new TSS_MEMTAPEMERGE case will happen
significantly more frequently than the existing, comparable
TSS_SORTEDONTAPE case currently happens (this applies to !randomAccess
callers only, of course). See comments added to
tuplesort_performsort(), and the commit message for the details. Note
that the existing, comparable case was relocated to
tuplesort_performsort(), to highlight that it is now a fallback for
the new TSS_MEMTAPEMERGE case (also in tuplesort_performsort()).


This new approach can be much faster. For example:

select setseed(1);
-- 10 million tuple table with low cardinality integer column to sort:
create unlogged table low_cardinality_int4 as select (random() *
1000)::int4 s, 'abcdefghijlmn'::text junk from generate_series(1,
set work_mem = '225MB';

-- test query:
select count(distinct(s)) from low_cardinality_int4;
(1 row)

On my laptop, a patched Postgres takes about 4.2 seconds to execute
this query.  Master takes about 16 seconds. The patch sees this case
quicksort 9,830,398 tuples out of a total of 10 million with this
225MB work_mem setting. This is chosen to be a sympathetic case, but
it is still quite realistic.

We should look at a much less sympathetic case, too. Even when the
in-memory "subrun" is about as small as it can be while still having
this new special case optimization occur at all, the patch still ends
up pretty far ahead of the master branch. With work_mem at 100MB,
4,369,064 tuples are quicksorted by the patch when the above query is
executed, which is less than half of the total (10 million). Execution
with the patch now takes about 10.2 seconds. Master is about 14.7
seconds with the same work_mem setting (yes, master gets faster as the
patch gets slower as work_mem is reduced...but they never come close
to meeting). That's still a fairly decent improvement, and it occurs
when we're on the ve