Re: [Fwd: Re: [HACKERS] PG functions in Java: maybe use gcj?]

2002-11-01 Thread Tom Lane
Barry Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> forwards:
> If we had to supply gcj along with PostgreSQL in order for PostgreSQL to
> work, I guess that would mean gcj was incorporated in PostgreSQL - that
> would mean PostgreSQL would become subject to GPL protection.

Depends on how you define "work".  pljava wouldn't work without a
compiler, clearly, but is that Postgres?  I don't think so; any more
than I consider Perl, Tcl, or Python to be part of Postgres.

One way to make the separation even clearer is to distribute pljava as
a separate project under a GPL or LGPL license.  However, that would be
moderately annoying from a maintenance point of view, so I'd prefer not

regards, tom lane

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Re: [Fwd: Re: [HACKERS] PG functions in Java: maybe use gcj?]

2002-11-01 Thread Doug McNaught
Barry Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If we had to supply gcj along with PostgreSQL in order for PostgreSQL to
> work, I guess that would mean gcj was incorporated in PostgreSQL - that
> would mean PostgreSQL would become subject to GPL protection.

Not true--"mere aggregation" (shipping two things together) does not
require all the aggregated software to be GPL'd.  And you're not
linking to the gcj compiler, just running it.

This particular part of the problem is a non-issue.


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[Fwd: Re: [HACKERS] PG functions in Java: maybe use gcj?]

2002-11-01 Thread Barry Lind
Forwarding to hackers a discussion that has been happening off list.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] PG functions in Java: maybe use gcj?
Date: 01 Nov 2002 19:13:39 +
From: Oliver Elphick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Barry Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <1036153748.24598.70.camel@linda> 

On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 18:19, Barry Lind wrote:
> Oliver,
> Thanks for the explaination.  This makes sense.
> However I think the proposal Tom was suggesting would require linking in
> more than just the runtime.  Since create function would need to call
> the compiler itself to compile the function into java bytecode or
> directly to a .so.

If we had to supply gcj along with PostgreSQL in order for PostgreSQL to
work, I guess that would mean gcj was incorporated in PostgreSQL - that
would mean PostgreSQL would become subject to GPL protection.

If CREATE FUNCTION called a java compiler (which might or might not be
gcj) that PostgreSQL did not supply, that compiler would not be
incorporated.  If there were no java compiler, java functions would not
work, but otherwise PostgreSQL would be unaffected.  It would be the
same as any of the tools that get called in our shell scripts, many of
which may be GNU utilities, including, of course, the shell itself.

As for the virtual machine, I think that is what libgcj supplies, and it
is specifically excluded from having GPL effects by its licence.

(You didn't post to the list, so I haven't; but I have no objection to
your forwarding this there.)
Isle of Wight, UK
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their
  strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
  they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk,
  and not faint."Isaiah 40:31

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Re: [HACKERS] PG functions in Java: maybe use gcj?

2002-11-01 Thread Oliver Elphick
On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 18:27, Barry Lind wrote:

> However in the proposal here we are talking about requiring a specific 
> jvm (gcj) and actually linking parts of it into postgres.  To the extent 
> that GPL code is linked in the GPL extends to the entire code base.  As 
> I said previously there are ways to work around this, but it becomes 
> tricky.  Especially when a commercial product wants to bundle postgres 
> and pljava.  That resulting bundle is probably entirely under the GPL 
> and then any changes to it are also GPL.  So it could be the case that 
> this company would be prevented from submitting improvements they made 
> back to the core product because their improvements are GPLed as a 
> result of pljava.

Nothing that company does can affect the licensing of PostgreSQL itself
- it doesn't belong to them, so they cannot change its licence.

Nothing in the GPL forces them to put GPL copyright on their own

What they cannot do is to _distribute_ binary code that links to GPL
code while giving fewer rights to their distributees than they
themselves received with the GPL code, whether in respect of their own
code or the GPL code.  Therefore they would be required to make their
source changes available to anyone to whom they gave a binary, and they
would not be able to restrict the further distribution of those
changes.  They can contribute those changes to the project under
whatever licence they wish that is acceptable to the project.

Furthermore, gcj is part of the GNU compiler collection, like gcc, and
using it does not in itself cause code compiled under it to be subject
to the GPL.  Linking to its runtime library would normally cause that,
but the gcj-3.0 copyright contains the following text:

The libgcj library is licensed under the terms of the GNU General
Public License, with this special exception:

As a special exception, if you link this library with other files
to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause
the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU
General Public License.

Isle of Wight, UK
GPG: 1024D/3E1D0C1C: CA12 09E0 E8D5 8870 5839  932A 614D 4C34 3E1D 0C1C
 "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their 
  strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; 
  they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk,
  and not faint."Isaiah 40:31 

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Re: [HACKERS] PG functions in Java: maybe use gcj?

2002-10-31 Thread Barry Lind

Tom Lane wrote:

Barry Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In either case I am concerned about licensing issues.  gcj is not under 
a BSD style license.  Depending on what you need you are either dealing 
with regular GPL, LGPL, or LGPL with a special java exception.
I beleive (without giving it too much thought) that doing either 1 or 2 
above would end up linking GPL code into postgres.  This can be worked 
around by requiring the the necessary gcj libraries be installed 
separately and detected at configure time (like is done elsewhere).  But 
is does (I think) present a problem for commercial products that would 
like to redistribute postgres with pljava.

Good point, but unless you want to build a BSD-license Java
implementation, there will never be a pljava that doesn't have different
licensing restrictions than PG itself does.  gcj is at least more free
than either Sun's or IBM's JVM ...

It depends on what you mean by more free.  An architecture that 
interacts with an external jvm would let you use any jvm (free ones as 
well as others).  From a licensing standpoint it is generally easy to 
redistribute a jvm or expect the user to have one installed (most java 
based products out there today do this).

However in the proposal here we are talking about requiring a specific 
jvm (gcj) and actually linking parts of it into postgres.  To the extent 
that GPL code is linked in the GPL extends to the entire code base.  As 
I said previously there are ways to work around this, but it becomes 
tricky.  Especially when a commercial product wants to bundle postgres 
and pljava.  That resulting bundle is probably entirely under the GPL 
and then any changes to it are also GPL.  So it could be the case that 
this company would be prevented from submitting improvements they made 
back to the core product because their improvements are GPLed as a 
result of pljava.

Now having said all that, I have been monitoring the progres of gcj for 
some time because I think there are very interesting possibilities.  And 
I am all for anyone who wants to look into it further and investigate 
the possiblities.  I just want to raise the licensing issue because it 
can cause problems and it is better to think about them up front than 
after the fact.

Another challenge here it that the java code is going to want to use the 
jdbc api when communicating with the database.

Yes.  I think we'd need a new implementation of jdbc that sits atop SPI
(invoked via jni I guess) rather than a FE/BE connection.  How well
layered is our jdbc code --- would this mean a large rewrite, or just
rolling in a new bottom layer?

It isn't as well layered as it could be, but it isn't too bad.  Overall 
it shouldn't be too much work, but not a little project either.  One 
area that isn't well layered is the assumption that the raw data from 
the server is in text format, since that is what the FE/BE protocol 
provides.  So all the conversion functions that convert to/from java 
datatypes do so in this format.  This assumption runs deep into the 
code.  As a first pass it would be easiest to get raw data from SPI 
convert to text and then convert to java datatypes instead of going 
directly from the internal SPI format directly to java datatypes.  This 
could be improved upon later.

			regards, tom lane


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Re: [HACKERS] PG functions in Java: maybe use gcj?

2002-10-30 Thread Tom Lane
Barry Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am not sure I follow.  Are you suggesting:
> 1)  create function takes java source and then calls gcj to compile it 
> to native and build a .so from it that would get called at runtime?
> or
> 2)  create function takes java source and just compiles to java .class 
> files and the runtime invokes the gcj java interpreter.
> or I guess you could do both at the same time.

The impression I had (after not looking very closely) was that you could
expect to compile to bytecodes on the fly and then run the gcj
interpreter.  But the .so alternative might be a good fallback if that
doesn't work.

> In either case I am concerned about licensing issues.  gcj is not under 
> a BSD style license.  Depending on what you need you are either dealing 
> with regular GPL, LGPL, or LGPL with a special java exception.
> I beleive (without giving it too much thought) that doing either 1 or 2 
> above would end up linking GPL code into postgres.  This can be worked 
> around by requiring the the necessary gcj libraries be installed 
> separately and detected at configure time (like is done elsewhere).  But 
> is does (I think) present a problem for commercial products that would 
> like to redistribute postgres with pljava.

Good point, but unless you want to build a BSD-license Java
implementation, there will never be a pljava that doesn't have different
licensing restrictions than PG itself does.  gcj is at least more free
than either Sun's or IBM's JVM ...

> Another challenge here it that the java code is going to want to use the 
> jdbc api when communicating with the database.

Yes.  I think we'd need a new implementation of jdbc that sits atop SPI
(invoked via jni I guess) rather than a FE/BE connection.  How well
layered is our jdbc code --- would this mean a large rewrite, or just
rolling in a new bottom layer?

regards, tom lane

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Re: [HACKERS] PG functions in Java: maybe use gcj?

2002-10-30 Thread Barry Lind
I am not sure I follow.  Are you suggesting:

1)  create function takes java source and then calls gcj to compile it 
to native and build a .so from it that would get called at runtime?


2)  create function takes java source and just compiles to java .class 
files and the runtime invokes the gcj java interpreter.

or I guess you could do both at the same time.

In either case I am concerned about licensing issues.  gcj is not under 
a BSD style license.  Depending on what you need you are either dealing 
with regular GPL, LGPL, or LGPL with a special java exception.

I beleive (without giving it too much thought) that doing either 1 or 2 
above would end up linking GPL code into postgres.  This can be worked 
around by requiring the the necessary gcj libraries be installed 
separately and detected at configure time (like is done elsewhere).  But 
is does (I think) present a problem for commercial products that would 
like to redistribute postgres with pljava.

Another challenge here it that the java code is going to want to use the 
jdbc api when communicating with the database.  One difficulty here is 
getting jdbc to be part of the same transaction as the calling java 
function.  Such that if the java stored procedure selects or updates 
data it is doing it in the same transaction as the caller of the 
function.  Today the jdbc driver only knows how to communicate via the 
FE/BE protocol which will end up creating a new process and transaction. 
 The jdbc driver would need to not use the FE/BE protocol but instead 
probably use jni calls.


Tom Lane wrote:
I had an interesting conversation today with Tom Tromey and Andrew Haley
of Red Hat about how to implement "pljava" for Postgres.  Rather than
futzing with an external JVM, their thought is to use gcj (gcc compiling
Java).  It sounds like this approach would mostly just work, modulo
needing to use a small amount of C++ code to call the defined APIs for

This would not be a perfect solution: gcj isn't yet ported everywhere,
and it would probably not play nice on machines where the standard C
library isn't thread-safe.  But it seems a lot more within reach than
the approaches we've discussed in the past.

I'm not volunteering to try to do this, but I wanted to toss the idea
up in the air and see if anyone wants to try it.  Tom and Andrew
indicated they'd be willing to help out with advice etc for anyone
who wants to take on the project.

			regards, tom lane

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