Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> I would like to add an argument to pg_regress that allows us to set some
> config options for the temp install. Specifically right now I am
> interested in setting the following:
>  log_line_prefix = '[%c] '
>  log_statement = 'all'
>  log_connections = 'true'
> But I think it makes more sense to provide for a general option setting
> mechanism, such as --extra_config=/path/to/some/file
> This would dovetail neatly with the recent suggestion that we might
> provide for buildfarm members to run several config sets.
> Thoughts?

I think the file makes a lot more sense - would keep you from ending up
with really horrible commandlines. Also, it would make it easier if you
want to set up different configs manually (the buildfarm script can
always manage).

What about the ability to pass options to initdb, while you're at it?
Like changing the locale? (which will break the scripts, but it should
only break them in predictable locations)


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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