Re: [HACKERS] postgres_fdw cost estimation defaults and documentation

2017-06-07 Thread Robert Haas
On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 9:24 PM, Jim Finnerty  wrote:
> In some MPP systems, networking costs are modeled separately from I/O costs,
> processor costs, or memory access costs.  I think this is what Ashutosh may
> have been getting at with /per-packet/ costs:  in a more sophisticated fdw
> cost model there could be a  network cost per /packet/ that would be
> independent of the cost of reading the next page or a random page from local
> storage.

I agree.  I think the question is how much we'd gain in practice if we
modeled the cost more accurately.  IMHO, the bigger problem with the
FDW stuff today is that we still lack partition-wise join,
partition-wise aggregate, and asynchronous query, which means that
only relatively simple queries involving foreign tables have a chance
of getting the plan you'd really like to have.  Until that's fixed, I
don't personally think it's worth spending a lot of time trying to
tweak the costing model.  Of course, if somebody wants to take a run
at it and can show that the benefit is there, cool beans.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] postgres_fdw cost estimation defaults and documentation

2017-06-06 Thread Robert Haas
On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 2:37 PM, Jeff Janes  wrote:
> In the documentation for fdw_startup_cost, it says "This represents the
> additional overhead of establishing a connection, parsing and planning the
> query on the remote side, etc.".  I think that "establishing a connection"
> should be stricken. Either you need a connection or you don't, there is
> nothing the optimizer can do about this. And if do need one, you only
> establish one once (at most), not once per query sent to the remote side.  I
> think the implementation correctly doesn't try to account for the overhead
> of establishing a connection, so the docs should remove that claim.

I don't really think there's anything wrong with having "establishing
a connection" in this paragraph.  There's a difference between
estimating something in a simplistic way that doesn't necessarily
capture all the variables inherent in the real cost, and not intending
to estimate it.  For example, seq_page_cost and random_page_cost
estimate the cost of reading a page, and they make no attempt to
distinguish between the cost of reading a page from the OS page cache
and reading a page from disk, even though those things take radically
different amounts of time.  The fact that the physical I/O happens
only sometimes doesn't mean that these GUCs aren't trying to account
for that cost, and, similarly, the fact that a connection to the
foreign server needs to be established only sometimes does not mean
that fdw_startup_cost isn't trying to cover the cost of that.  You can
adjust random_page_cost and seq_page_cost up or down depending on how
much caching you think you'll get (and the documentation recommends
this).  And you can adjust fdw_startup_cost based on how often you
think you'll need to establish a new connection (but it's probably not
worth bothering with).

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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Re: [HACKERS] postgres_fdw cost estimation defaults and documentation

2017-06-05 Thread Ashutosh Bapat
On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 12:07 AM, Jeff Janes  wrote:
> The default value for fdw_tuple_cost is 0.01, which seems way too low.  If I
> set up a loop-back foreign server with a large fetch_size, then tests like:
> select * from pgbench_accounts except select * from
> loopback.pgbench_accounts
> vs
> select * from pgbench_accounts except select * from pgbench_accounts
> indicate that 0.1 is about the lowest value for fdw_tuple_cost that could
> make sense, and a reasonable default would probably be 0.25.  Yes, it is
> only a default, but the default should make sense for at least some
> situation, and I can't imagine any situation in which 0.01 makes sense

The per tuple cost to transfer 10 rows and 1M rows is going to be
different and so it's going to different when the widths of rows vary.
It depends upon the package sizes and how many rows a packet can
contains. So having a single value to represent that cost is
insufficient. Till the time FDW gets smarter and adds some logic to
amortize the cost across rows, this looks better. 0.01 probably keeps
our regressions stable and mostly the users will have to change those
values for each server based on the type of network and topology
anyway. Said, that I am not objecting to changing it as long as
regression tests are stable across multiple platforms and machines.

> In the documentation for fdw_startup_cost, it says "This represents the
> additional overhead of establishing a connection, parsing and planning the
> query on the remote side, etc.".  I think that "establishing a connection"
> should be stricken. Either you need a connection or you don't, there is
> nothing the optimizer can do about this.  And if do need one, you only
> establish one once (at most), not once per query sent to the remote side.  I
> think the implementation correctly doesn't try to account for the overhead
> of establishing a connection, so the docs should remove that claim.

Yes. Instead of "establishing a connection", I think we should mention
the protocol overhead to run a query.

> In regards to use_remote_estimate, the documentation says "Running ANALYZE
> on the foreign table is the way to update the local statistics; this will
> perform a scan of the remote table and then calculate and store statistics
> just as though the table were local. Keeping local statistics can be a
> useful way to reduce per-query planning overhead for a remote table — but if
> the remote table is frequently updated, the local statistics will soon be
> obsolete."  This makes it send like local stats is basically equivalent to
> use_remote_estimate, other than the staleness issue.  But they are far from
> equivalent.  use_remote_estimate has implicit knowledge of the indexes on
> the foreign server (implicit via the reduced cost estimates derived from the
> foreign side for parameterized queries), whereas local stats of foreign
> tables just assumes there are no indexes for planning purposes. Perhaps
> adding something like "Also, local statistics do not contain information on
> the available indexes on the remote side, while use_remote_estimate does
> take these into account"?

That's not the impression I got when I read the complete paragraph at [1]
When use_remote_estimate is true, postgres_fdw obtains row count and
cost estimates from the remote server and then adds fdw_startup_cost
and fdw_tuple_cost to the cost estimates. When use_remote_estimate is
false, postgres_fdw performs local row count and cost estimation and
then adds fdw_startup_cost and fdw_tuple_cost to the cost estimates.
This local estimation is unlikely to be very accurate unless local
copies of the remote table's statistics are available. Running ANALYZE
on the foreign table is the way to update the local statistics; this
will perform a scan of the remote table and then calculate and store
statistics just as though the table were local. Keeping local
statistics can be a useful way to reduce per-query planning overhead
for a remote table — but if the remote table is frequently updated,
the local statistics will soon be obsolete.

The paragraph you quoted should be read in the context of "When
use_remote_estimate is false, ". It just says what happens when
use_remote_estimate is turned off. It doesn't imply that local
statistics is substitute for 'use_remote_estimate = true'.

Best Wishes,
Ashutosh Bapat
EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Postgres Database Company

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