Tom Lane wrote:
> We can't put tsvector_update_trigger() into core in anything like its
> current form.  As is, it will take an unqualified function name, look
> it up, and call it.  The prospects for subversion by search path
> manipulation are obvious, and even if you aren't concerned about
> malicious attacks, the effects of the trigger are context-dependent
> (and maybe time-varying; it doesn't insist on the function being
> immutable) in exactly the same way that we've been saying we can't
> accept for the tsearch configuration.
> I think we should redefine the trigger as taking trigger arguments that
> are first a config name, then a list of one or more field names, and
> nothing else.
> People who want extra processing done on their fields before forming the
> tsvector can write custom triggers to do it ...

Agreed.  A stated in email I didn't like the filter API on style

  Bruce Momjian  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

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