On Thu, 13 Jul 2006, Jonah H. Harris wrote:

On 7/13/06, Marc G. Fournier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
'k, but, again, this comes to someone (you?) stepping forward and
dedicating the time/energy to developing a 'mega distribution', and being
willing to provide support for it

True.  Then maybe we should just all work together to make a
distribution suggestion to packagers of the major components and their
versions.  That way the packagers at least have a good idea of what we
believe is "good-to-go" with X version of PostgreSQL.

This works,to an extent ... but what packagers are you referring to? I know with FreeBSD, there is no "one packager for all things postgresql ...

Not to be too "business" about it, but a PostgreSQL community distribution should IMHO, be vendor neutral. If the installer were vendor-branding-free, I'd be game.

The big problem is that there is no 'single package format' out there, so any installer would be fairly difficult from that perspective, i think ... you'd have to have a 'pgrpm-installer' vs 'pgdeb-installer' vs 'pgpkg-installer' vs ... ?

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email . [EMAIL PROTECTED]                              MSN . [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yahoo . yscrappy               Skype: hub.org        ICQ . 7615664

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