My name is Selvam. I am from Malaysia and I'm an analayst programmer
working in a large insurance firm. I just subscribed for the mailing of
pgsql-jdbc. But how
do I make use of the mailing list? I am new to the idea of mailing list. I
received the password and a confirmation email that my subscription was
successful. But where do I go from here? Do I need to visit any websites to
post my questions?

I have currently started developing applications with back-end PostgreSQL
running on Linux and with Java front-end. I am using Java 1.3. I have
created some stored procedures in postgres and calling it from Java
front-end. But whenever I attempt to call a stored procedure(which is
called as functions in Postgres), I get an exception saying that "Callable
Statement not supported at this time" Does this mean that the JDBC driver
that comes with postgresql7.02 does not support calling stored procedures?
If it doesn't where can I obtain the version of the driver that does
support. I hope you could help me out with this. I have started the
projects by convincing the management of my company that postgresql can
support all the functionality of all the other databases and goes 100% well
with Java. And I do fervently believe it could.

I will be eagerly awaiting your reply. Thank you.

Best Regards,


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