On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, Seema Noor wrote:

> I want to know how to use jdbc for postgresql in red
> hat linux 7.0. I have installed red hat linux 7.0
> completely and there are four jdbc.jar files of
> different version.There are no postgresql.jar and
> finder.jar files. I found two different methods for
> jdbc interface:
> 1) Just set the path
>    CLASSPATH=$CLASSPAH /usr/lib/pgsql/jdbc6.5.1.2.jar
>    and compile the program.
>    But when I compiled the program using jdk1.1.2
>    there was an exception CLASSNOTFOUND. When this
>    exception was caught it gave the error message
>    "postgresql/driver"
>    How do I set the driver? I used the statements:
>    Driver driver = (Driver)Class.forName
>    ("postgresql.Driver").newInstance();
>    DriverManager.registerDriver(driver);
>    String     url = "jdbc:postgresql:jtest";
>    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection
>    (url, "postgres", "postgres");
>    Statement  stm = con.createStatement();
>    Do I have to use "org.postgresql.Driver" instead
>    of "postgresql.Driver"?
> 2)  Change to directory src/interface/jdbc and type:
>     % make
>     to get postgresql.jar and then set the class path
>     to:
> export CLASSPATH    =
> /usr/local/lib/finder.jar:/usr/local/lib/
> postgresql.jar:.java uk.org.retep.finder.Main
>     This src/interface/jdbc is not in any of the
>     postgresql directories (installed from red hat
>     linux 7.0)I therefore downloaded
>     postgresql-7.0.2.tar but some classes were missing
>     in it.
>     If I'll succeed in getting postgresql.jar from
>     this method then how will I get finder.jar?
> I found in the same mailing list to rename jdbc6.5.1.2
> .jar to postgresql.jar and then set the CLASSPATH. But
> it also didn't work out.
> Can someone please help me?
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