
Any help on moving the jdbc code base forward is more than welcome.  In 
briefly looking over your suggestions below they all seem fine to me. 
(Of course the devil is in the details).  I would also suggest looking 
at for a list of where we are 
lacking in jdbc2 support.


Mark Lillywhite (pg-jdbc) wrote:

> Hi folks
> I'd like to make the JDBC driver comple with JDK1.4. I've got the
> following list of errors and potential remedies. Does anyone have any
> objections if I start work on this?
> The following are the methods defined in JDK1.4 which are not currently
> implemented in the JDBC driver:
> javax.transaction.RollbackException is not defined in 1.4.
> -- this appears to be renamed to TransationRolledbackException
> Statement.getMoreResults(int)
> -- defines the behaviour of the current ResultSet when the next one is
> retrieved. Appears that we need to simply perform appropriate operations
> on the result instance field of jdbc2.Statement.
> PreparedStatement.setURL(
> -- Presumably convert the URL to a string and set it like everything
> else?
> CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(String, int)
> -- There are a bunch of these actually, javac is only listing one. They
> all take parameter names rather than indexes. Should be straightforward
> to fix?
> Connection.setHoldability(int)
> -- Not too sure about this. It defines the "holdability" of result sets
> between commits. Need to investigate further (tips?)
> DataBaseMetaData.supportsSavepoints()
> -- Presumably: "return false;"
> ResultSet.getURL(int)
> -- Presumably, "return new URL(getParameter...));"
> PGblob.setBytes(long, byte[])
> PGclob.setString(long, String)
> -- This stuff looks harder, there are setBinaryStream() etc methods. Not
> sure how to go about this at this stage. Maybe an Unsupported exception?
> ClientConnection.setHoldability(int)
> -- presumably, pass the call to Connection.setHoldability()?
> Feedback/comments welcome.
> Cheers
> Mark
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