I have always thought that an example of how to maintain a summary table via triggers would be nice... but until the other day, had not attempted to do one, so contributing a simplified version seemed like a good thing to do.

I have made the example pretty much self contained, which unfortunately means it is longish. This made me wonder about its placement (i.e in plpgsql examples). It could go in a 'Data warehousing' chapter - if we had one....

Any suggestions welcome.

best wishes


P.s : use is made of a schema from Ralph Kimball's "The Data Warehouse Toolkit" - I mailed him to check it was ok (and it was, in fact he was quite pleased)
--- plpgsql.sgml.orig   2004-12-29 15:48:53.089973005 +1300
+++ plpgsql.sgml        2004-12-29 12:43:50.000000000 +1300
@@ -2632,6 +2632,306 @@
+   <para>
+    An area where triggers can be useful is maintaining a summary table
+    of another table. The resulting summary can be used in place of the 
+    original table for certain queries - with often vastly reduced run 
+    times.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    This technique is commonly used in Data Warehousing, where the tables
+    of measured or observed data (called fact tables) can be extremely large.
+   </para>
+   <example id="plpgsql-trigger-summary-example">
+    <title>A <application>PL/pgSQL</application> Trigger Procedure For 
Maintaining A Summary Table</title>
+    <para>
+     <xref linkend="plpgsql-trigger-summary-example"> shows an example of a
+     trigger procedure in <application>PL/pgSQL</application> that maintains
+     a summary table for a fact table in a data warehouse.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     The schema detailed here is loosely based on the <emphasis>Grocery Store
+     </emphasis> example from <emphasis>The Data Warehouse Toolkit</emphasis> 
+     by Ralph Kimball.
+    </para>
+-- Three dimension tables.
+CREATE TABLE time_dimension (
+    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
+    day_of_week                 integer NOT NULL,
+    day_of_month                integer NOT NULL,
+    month                       integer NOT NULL,
+    quarter                     integer NOT NULL,
+    year                        integer NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE product_dimension (
+    product_key                 integer NOT NULL,
+    description                 varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+    brand                       varchar(50) NOT NULL,
+    catageory                   varchar(20) NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE store_dimension (
+    store_key                   integer NOT NULL,
+    store_name                  varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+    address                     varchar(100) NOT NULL
+-- Sales fact.
+CREATE TABLE sales_fact (
+    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
+    product_key                 integer NOT NULL,
+    store_key                   integer NOT NULL,
+    amount_sold                 numeric(12,2) NOT NULL,
+    units_sold                  integer NOT NULL,
+    amount_cost                 numeric(12,2) NOT NULL
+-- Sales summary.
+CREATE TABLE sales_summary_bytime (
+    time_key                    integer NOT NULL,
+    amount_sold                 numeric(15,2) NOT NULL,
+    units_sold                  numeric(12) NOT NULL,
+    amount_cost                 numeric(15,2) NOT NULL
+-- COPY in data.
+COPY time_dimension FROM '/var/dump/time.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
+COPY product_dimension FROM '/var/dump/prod.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
+COPY store_dimension FROM '/var/dump/store.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
+COPY sales_fact FROM '/var/dump/sales.dat' DELIMITERS ',';
+-- Create indexes on the dimensions, facts and summary.
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX time_dimension_key ON time_dimension(time_key);
+CREATE INDEX time_dimension_year ON time_dimension(year);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX product_dimension_key ON product_dimension(product_key);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX store_dimension_key ON store_dimension(store_key);
+CREATE INDEX sales_fact_time ON sales_fact(time_key);
+CREATE INDEX sales_fact_product ON sales_fact(product_key);
+CREATE INDEX sales_fact_store ON sales_fact(store_key);
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX sales_summary_bytime_key ON sales_summary_bytime(time_key);
+-- Collect statistics for the optimizer.
+ANALYZE VERBOSE time_dimension;
+ANALYZE VERBOSE product_dimension;
+ANALYZE VERBOSE store_dimension;
+ANALYZE VERBOSE sales_fact;
+-- Pre populate (and collect statistics for) the summary table.
+INSERT INTO sales_summary_bytime (
+            time_key, 
+            amount_sold, 
+            units_sold, 
+            amount_cost)
+    SELECT  f.time_key, 
+            sum(f.amount_sold), 
+            sum(f.units_sold), 
+            sum(f.amount_cost)
+    FROM sales_fact f
+    GROUP BY f.time_key;
+ANALYZE VERBOSE sales_summary_bytime;
+-- Function to amend summarized column(s) on UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE.
+        delta_time_key          integer;
+        delta_amount_sold       numeric(15,2);
+        delta_units_sold        numeric(12);
+        delta_amount_cost       numeric(15,2);
+    BEGIN
+        -- Work out the increment/decrement amount(s).
+        IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN
+            delta_time_key = OLD.time_key;
+            delta_amount_sold = -1 * OLD.amount_sold;
+            delta_units_sold = -1 * OLD.units_sold;
+            delta_amount_cost = -1 * OLD.amount_cost;
+        ELSIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN
+            -- forbid updates that change the time_key -
+            -- (probably not too onerous, as DELETE + INSERT is how most 
+            -- changes will be made).
+            IF ( OLD.time_key != NEW.time_key) THEN
+                RAISE EXCEPTION 'Update of time_key : % -> % not allowed', 
OLD.time_key, NEW.time_key;
+            END IF;
+            delta_time_key = OLD.time_key;
+            delta_amount_sold = NEW.amount_sold - OLD.amount_sold;
+            delta_units_sold = NEW.units_sold - OLD.units_sold;
+            delta_amount_cost = NEW.amount_cost - OLD.amount_cost;
+        ELSIF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN
+            delta_time_key = NEW.time_key;
+            delta_amount_sold = NEW.amount_sold;
+            delta_units_sold = NEW.units_sold;
+            delta_amount_cost = NEW.amount_cost;
+        END IF;
+        -- Update the summary row with the new values.
+        UPDATE sales_summary_bytime
+            SET amount_sold = amount_sold + delta_amount_sold,
+                units_sold = units_sold + delta_units_sold,
+                amount_cost = amount_cost + delta_amount_cost
+            WHERE time_key = delta_time_key;
+        -- There might have been no row with this time_key (e.g new data!).
+        IF (NOT FOUND) THEN
+            BEGIN
+                INSERT INTO sales_summary_bytime (
+                            time_key, 
+                            amount_sold, 
+                            units_sold, 
+                            amount_cost)
+                    SELECT  f.time_key, 
+                            sum(f.amount_sold), 
+                            sum(f.units_sold), 
+                            sum(f.amount_cost)
+                    FROM sales_fact f
+                    WHERE f.time_key = delta_time_key
+                    GROUP BY f.time_key;
+                -- This query can potentially be very expensive if the trigger 
+                -- is created on sales_fact without the time_key indexes.
+                -- Some care is needed to ensure that this situation does 
+                -- *not* occur.
+            EXCEPTION
+                --
+                -- Catch race condition when two transactions are adding data
+                -- for a new time_key.
+                --
+                    UPDATE sales_summary_bytime
+                        SET    amount_sold = amount_sold + delta_amount_sold,
+                            units_sold = units_sold + delta_units_sold,
+                            amount_cost = amount_cost + delta_amount_cost
+                        WHERE time_key = delta_time_key;
+            END;
+        END IF;
+        RETURN NULL;
+    END;
+$maint_sales_summary_bytime$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+-- The trigger.
+CREATE TRIGGER maint_sales_summary_bytime
+    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE maint_sales_summary_bytime()
+  <para>
+   The effectiveness of the summary technique can be easily demonstrated. In
+   the first case shown below, the base fact table is used. In the second the
+   summary table is substituted. The run times and plans shown are real.
+  </para>
+    d0.quarter,
+    sum(f.amount_sold)
+    time_dimension d0,
+    sales_fact f
+WHERE d0.time_key = f.time_key
+AND   d0.year = 2004
+    d0.quarter
+ quarter |     sum
+       2 | 90000000.00
+       1 | 90000000.00
+       4 | 90000000.00
+       3 | 90000000.00
+(4 rows)
+Time: 2898.236 ms
+                                            QUERY PLAN 
+ HashAggregate  (cost=53237.46..53237.46 rows=1 width=14)
+   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..51447.46 rows=358001 width=14)
+         ->  Index Scan using time_year on time_dimension d0  (cost=0.00..9.83 
rows=358 width=8)
+               Index Cond: ("year" = 2004)
+         ->  Index Scan using sales_fact_time on sales_fact f  
(cost=0.00..96.72 rows=3757 width=14)
+               Index Cond: ("outer".time_key = f.time_key)
+(6 rows)
+    d0.quarter,
+    sum(f.amount_sold)
+    time_dimension d0,
+    sales_summary_bytime f
+WHERE d0.time_key = f.time_key
+AND   d0.year = 2004
+    d0.quarter
+ quarter |     sum
+       2 | 90000000.00
+       1 | 90000000.00
+       4 | 90000000.00
+       3 | 90000000.00
+(4 rows)
+Time: 28.459 ms
+                                              QUERY PLAN 
+ HashAggregate  (cost=260.10..260.10 rows=1 width=14)
+   ->  Hash Join  (cost=10.72..258.31 rows=358 width=14)
+         Hash Cond: ("outer".time_key = "inner".time_key)
+         ->  Seq Scan on sales_summary_bytime f  (cost=0.00..194.00 rows=10000 
+         ->  Hash  (cost=9.83..9.83 rows=358 width=8)
+               ->  Index Scan using time_year on time_dimension d0  
(cost=0.00..9.83 rows=358 width=8)
+                     Index Cond: ("year" = 2004)
+(7 rows)
+   </example>
   <!-- **** Porting from Oracle PL/SQL **** -->
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