* openssl.c: Add 3des and AES support
* README.pgcrypto: list only supported ciphers for openssl

OpenSSL has pre-processor symbol OPENSSL_NO_AES, which
isn't that helpful for detecting if it _does_ exist.
Thus the hack with AES_ENCRYPT.

Index: pgsql/contrib/pgcrypto/openssl.c
*** pgsql.orig/contrib/pgcrypto/openssl.c
--- pgsql/contrib/pgcrypto/openssl.c
*** 36,41 ****
--- 36,49 ----
  #include <openssl/evp.h>
+  * Is OpenSSL compiled with AES? 
+  */
+ #undef GOT_AES
+ #ifdef AES_ENCRYPT
+ #define GOT_AES
+ #endif
+ /*
   * Hashes
  static unsigned
*************** typedef struct
*** 165,171 ****
--- 173,186 ----
                        des_key_schedule key_schedule;
                }                       des;
+               struct
+               {
+                       des_key_schedule k1, k2, k3;
+               }                       des3;
                CAST_KEY        cast_key;
+ #ifdef GOT_AES
+               AES_KEY         aes_key;
+ #endif
        }                       u;
        uint8           key[EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH];
        uint8           iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
*************** ossl_des_cbc_decrypt(PX_Cipher * c, cons
*** 362,367 ****
--- 377,467 ----
        return 0;
+ /* DES3 */
+ static int
+ ossl_des3_init(PX_Cipher * c, const uint8 *key, unsigned klen, const uint8 
+ {
+       ossldata   *od = c->ptr;
+       des_cblock      xkey1,
+                               xkey2,
+                               xkey3;
+       memset(&xkey1, 0, sizeof(xkey1));
+       memset(&xkey2, 0, sizeof(xkey2));
+       memset(&xkey2, 0, sizeof(xkey2));
+       memcpy(&xkey1, key, klen > 8 ? 8 : klen);
+       if (klen > 8)
+               memcpy(&xkey2, key + 8, (klen - 8) > 8 ? 8 : (klen - 8));
+       if (klen > 16)
+               memcpy(&xkey3, key + 16, (klen - 16) > 8 ? 8 : (klen - 16));
+       DES_set_key(&xkey1, &od->u.des3.k1);
+       DES_set_key(&xkey2, &od->u.des3.k2);
+       DES_set_key(&xkey3, &od->u.des3.k3);
+       memset(&xkey1, 0, sizeof(xkey1));
+       memset(&xkey2, 0, sizeof(xkey2));
+       memset(&xkey3, 0, sizeof(xkey3));
+       if (iv)
+               memcpy(od->iv, iv, 8);
+       else
+               memset(od->iv, 0, 8);
+       return 0;
+ }
+ static int
+ ossl_des3_ecb_encrypt(PX_Cipher * c, const uint8 *data, unsigned dlen,
+                                         uint8 *res)
+ {
+       unsigned        bs = gen_ossl_block_size(c);
+       unsigned        i;
+       ossldata   *od = c->ptr;
+       for (i = 0; i < dlen / bs; i++)
+               DES_ecb3_encrypt(data + i * bs, res + i * bs,
+                                                &od->u.des3.k1, 
&od->u.des3.k2, &od->u.des3.k3, 1);
+       return 0;
+ }
+ static int
+ ossl_des3_ecb_decrypt(PX_Cipher * c, const uint8 *data, unsigned dlen,
+                                         uint8 *res)
+ {
+       unsigned        bs = gen_ossl_block_size(c);
+       unsigned        i;
+       ossldata   *od = c->ptr;
+       for (i = 0; i < dlen / bs; i++)
+               DES_ecb3_encrypt(data + i * bs, res + i * bs,
+                                                &od->u.des3.k1, 
&od->u.des3.k2, &od->u.des3.k3, 0);
+       return 0;
+ }
+ static int
+ ossl_des3_cbc_encrypt(PX_Cipher * c, const uint8 *data, unsigned dlen,
+                                         uint8 *res)
+ {
+       ossldata   *od = c->ptr;
+       DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(data, res, dlen,
+                                                &od->u.des3.k1, 
&od->u.des3.k2, &od->u.des3.k3,
+                                                (des_cblock *) od->iv, 1);
+       return 0;
+ }
+ static int
+ ossl_des3_cbc_decrypt(PX_Cipher * c, const uint8 *data, unsigned dlen,
+                                         uint8 *res)
+ {
+       ossldata   *od = c->ptr;
+       DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(data, res, dlen,
+                                                &od->u.des3.k1, 
&od->u.des3.k2, &od->u.des3.k3,
+                                                (des_cblock *) od->iv, 0);
+       return 0;
+ }
  /* CAST5 */
  static int
*************** ossl_cast_cbc_decrypt(PX_Cipher * c, con
*** 420,425 ****
--- 520,622 ----
        return 0;
+ /* AES */
+ #ifdef GOT_AES
+ static int
+ ossl_aes_init(PX_Cipher * c, const uint8 *key, unsigned klen, const uint8 *iv)
+ {
+       ossldata   *od = c->ptr;
+       unsigned        bs = gen_ossl_block_size(c);
+       if (klen <= 128/8)
+               od->klen = 128/8;
+       else if (klen <= 192/8)
+               od->klen = 192/8;
+       else if (klen <= 256/8)
+               od->klen = 256/8;
+       else
+               return PXE_KEY_TOO_BIG;
+       memcpy(od->key, key, klen);
+       if (iv)
+               memcpy(od->iv, iv, bs);
+       else
+               memset(od->iv, 0, bs);
+       return 0;
+ }
+ static void
+ ossl_aes_key_init(ossldata * od, int type)
+ {
+       if (type == AES_ENCRYPT)
+               AES_set_encrypt_key(od->key, od->klen * 8, &od->u.aes_key);
+       else
+               AES_set_decrypt_key(od->key, od->klen * 8, &od->u.aes_key);
+       od->init = 1;
+ }
+ static int
+ ossl_aes_ecb_encrypt(PX_Cipher * c, const uint8 *data, unsigned dlen,
+                                        uint8 *res)
+ {
+       unsigned        bs = gen_ossl_block_size(c);
+       ossldata   *od = c->ptr;
+       const uint8 *end = data + dlen - bs;
+       if (!od->init)
+               ossl_aes_key_init(od, AES_ENCRYPT);
+       for (; data <= end; data += bs, res += bs)
+               AES_ecb_encrypt(data, res, &od->u.aes_key, AES_ENCRYPT);
+       return 0;
+ }
+ static int
+ ossl_aes_ecb_decrypt(PX_Cipher * c, const uint8 *data, unsigned dlen,
+                                        uint8 *res)
+ {
+       unsigned        bs = gen_ossl_block_size(c);
+       ossldata   *od = c->ptr;
+       const uint8 *end = data + dlen - bs;
+       if (!od->init)
+               ossl_aes_key_init(od, AES_DECRYPT);
+       for (; data <= end; data += bs, res += bs)
+               AES_ecb_encrypt(data, res, &od->u.aes_key, AES_DECRYPT);
+       return 0;
+ }
+ static int
+ ossl_aes_cbc_encrypt(PX_Cipher * c, const uint8 *data, unsigned dlen,
+                                        uint8 *res)
+ {
+       ossldata   *od = c->ptr;
+       if (!od->init)
+               ossl_aes_key_init(od, AES_ENCRYPT);
+       AES_cbc_encrypt(data, res, dlen, &od->u.aes_key, od->iv, AES_ENCRYPT);
+       return 0;
+ }
+ static int
+ ossl_aes_cbc_decrypt(PX_Cipher * c, const uint8 *data, unsigned dlen,
+                                        uint8 *res)
+ {
+       ossldata   *od = c->ptr;
+       if (!od->init)
+               ossl_aes_key_init(od, AES_DECRYPT);
+       AES_cbc_encrypt(data, res, dlen, &od->u.aes_key, od->iv, AES_DECRYPT);
+       return 0;
+ }
+ #endif
   * aliases
*************** static PX_Alias ossl_aliases[] = {
*** 431,437 ****
--- 628,641 ----
        {"blowfish-ecb", "bf-ecb"},
        {"blowfish-cfb", "bf-cfb"},
        {"des", "des-cbc"},
+       {"3des", "des3-cbc"},
+       {"3des-ecb", "des3-ecb"},
+       {"3des-cbc", "des3-cbc"},
        {"cast5", "cast5-cbc"},
+       {"aes", "aes-cbc"},
+       {"rijndael", "aes-cbc"},
+       {"rijndael-cbc", "aes-cbc"},
+       {"rijndael-ecb", "aes-ecb"},
*************** static const struct ossl_cipher ossl_des
*** 460,465 ****
--- 664,679 ----
        64 / 8, 64 / 8, 0
+ static const struct ossl_cipher ossl_des3_ecb = {
+       ossl_des3_init, ossl_des3_ecb_encrypt, ossl_des3_ecb_decrypt,
+       64 / 8, 192 / 8, 0
+ };
+ static const struct ossl_cipher ossl_des3_cbc = {
+       ossl_des3_init, ossl_des3_cbc_encrypt, ossl_des3_cbc_decrypt,
+       64 / 8, 192 / 8, 0
+ };
  static const struct ossl_cipher ossl_cast_ecb = {
        ossl_cast_init, ossl_cast_ecb_encrypt, ossl_cast_ecb_decrypt,
        64 / 8, 128 / 8, 0
*************** static const struct ossl_cipher ossl_cas
*** 470,475 ****
--- 684,701 ----
        64 / 8, 128 / 8, 0
+ #ifdef GOT_AES
+ static const struct ossl_cipher ossl_aes_ecb = {
+       ossl_aes_init, ossl_aes_ecb_encrypt, ossl_aes_ecb_decrypt,
+       128 / 8, 256 / 8, 0
+ };
+ static const struct ossl_cipher ossl_aes_cbc = {
+       ossl_aes_init, ossl_aes_cbc_encrypt, ossl_aes_cbc_decrypt,
+       128 / 8, 256 / 8, 0
+ };
+ #endif
   * Special handlers
*************** static const struct ossl_cipher_lookup o
*** 485,492 ****
--- 711,724 ----
        {"bf-cfb", &ossl_bf_cfb},
        {"des-ecb", &ossl_des_ecb},
        {"des-cbc", &ossl_des_cbc},
+       {"des3-ecb", &ossl_des3_ecb},
+       {"des3-cbc", &ossl_des3_cbc},
        {"cast5-ecb", &ossl_cast_ecb},
        {"cast5-cbc", &ossl_cast_cbc},
+ #ifdef GOT_AES
+       {"aes-ecb", &ossl_aes_ecb},
+       {"aes-cbc", &ossl_aes_cbc},
+ #endif
Index: pgsql/contrib/pgcrypto/README.pgcrypto
*** pgsql.orig/contrib/pgcrypto/README.pgcrypto
--- pgsql/contrib/pgcrypto/README.pgcrypto
*************** internal (default):
*** 178,187 ****
      Ciphers: Blowfish, Rijndael-128
! OpenSSL (0.9.6):
      Hashes:   MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160, MD2   
!     Ciphers:  DES, DESX, DES3, RC5, RC4, RC2, IDEA,
!               Blowfish, CAST5
      License:  BSD-like with strong advertisement
      Url:      http://www.openssl.org/
--- 178,186 ----
      Ciphers: Blowfish, Rijndael-128
! OpenSSL (0.9.7):
      Hashes:   MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160, MD2   
!     Ciphers:  Blowfish, AES, CAST5, DES, 3DES
      License:  BSD-like with strong advertisement
      Url:      http://www.openssl.org/


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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