I’m proposing this change to /src/port/getaddrinfo.c to support IPv6 under windows.

(this time with a context diff !)



*** \postgresql-snapshot\src\port\getaddrinfo.c Wed Aug 24 11:54:09 2005

--- \postgresql-patched\src\port\getaddrinfo.c  Wed Aug 24 11:53:05 2005


*** 8,18 ****

   * platform, we'll need to split this file and provide a separate configure

   * test for getnameinfo().



   * Copyright (c) 2003-2005, PostgreSQL Global Development Group



!  *    $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/port/getaddrinfo.c,v 1.17 2005/07/28 04:03:14 tgl Exp $




--- 8,22 ----

   * platform, we'll need to split this file and provide a separate configure

   * test for getnameinfo().


+  * Windows may or may not have these routines, so we handle Windows special

+  * by dynamically checking for their existance.  If they already exist, we

+  * use the Windows native routines, but if not, we use our own.

+  *


   * Copyright (c) 2003-2005, PostgreSQL Global Development Group



!  *    $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/port/getaddrinfo.c,v 1.16 2005/01/01 20:44:33 tgl Exp $





*** 29,34 ****

--- 33,124 ----


  #include "getaddrinfo.h"



+ #ifdef WIN32


+ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN

+ /* Bring in windows.h for LoadLibrary, FreeLibrary, and GetProcAddress routines */

+ #include <windows.h>


+ /*

+  * The native routines may or may not exist on the Windows platform we are on,

+  * so we dynamically look up the routines, and call them via function pointers.

+  * Here we need to declare what the function pointers look like

+  */

+ typedef

+ int

+ (__stdcall * getaddrinfo_ptr_t)(const char * nodename, const char * servname,

+      const struct addrinfo * hints, struct addrinfo ** res);


+ typedef

+ void

+ (__stdcall * freeaddrinfo_ptr_t)(struct addrinfo * ai);


+ typedef

+ int

+ (__stdcall * getnameinfo_ptr_t)(const struct sockaddr * sa, int salen,

+      char *  host, int hostlen, char * serv, int servlen, int flags);


+ /* static pointers to the native Windows IPv6 routines, so we only do the lookup once. */

+ static getaddrinfo_ptr_t getaddrinfo_ptr = NULL;

+ static freeaddrinfo_ptr_t freeaddrinfo_ptr = NULL;

+ static getnameinfo_ptr_t getnameinfo_ptr = NULL;


+ static

+ bool haveNativeWindowsIPv6routines(void)

+ {

+     void * hLibrary  = NULL;

+     static bool  alreadyLookedForIpv6routines    = FALSE;


+     if (alreadyLookedForIpv6routines)           

+         return (getaddrinfo_ptr != NULL);


+     /*

+      * For Windows XP and Windows 2003 (and longhorn/vista), the IPv6

+      * routines are present the WinSock 2 library (ws2_32.dll).  Try that first

+      */


+     hLibrary = LoadLibraryA("ws2_32");


+     if (hLibrary == NULL || GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "getaddrinfo") == NULL)

+     {

+           /* Well, ws2_32 doesn't exist, or more likely doesn't have getaddrinfo. */

+           if (hLibrary != NULL)

+                 FreeLibrary(hLibrary);


+           /* In Windows 2000, there was only the IPv6 Technology Preview       

+            * look in the IPv6 WinSock library (wship6.dll).

+            */


+           hLibrary = LoadLibraryA("wship6");

+     }


+     /* If hLibrary is null, we couldn't find a dll that supports the functions */

+     if (hLibrary != NULL)

+     {

+           /* We found a dll, so now get the addresses of the routines */


+         getaddrinfo_ptr = GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "getaddrinfo");

+           freeaddrinfo_ptr = GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "freeaddrinfo");

+           getnameinfo_ptr = GetProcAddress(hLibrary, "getnameinfo");


+           /* If any one of the routines is missing, let's play it safe and ignore them all */

+         if (getaddrinfo_ptr == NULL || freeaddrinfo_ptr == NULL || getnameinfo_ptr == NULL)

+         {

+             FreeLibrary(hLibrary);

+             hLibrary = NULL;

+                 getaddrinfo_ptr = NULL;

+                 freeaddrinfo_ptr = NULL;

+                 getnameinfo_ptr = NULL;

+         }

+     }


+     alreadyLookedForIpv6routines = TRUE;

+     return (getaddrinfo_ptr != NULL);

+ }

+ #endif




   * get address info for ipv4 sockets.



*** 47,52 ****

--- 137,151 ----


      struct addrinfo hints;


+ #ifdef WIN32

+     /*

+      * If Windows has native IPv6 support, use the native Windows routine.

+      * Otherwise, fall through and use our own code.

+      */

+     if (haveNativeWindowsIPv6routines())

+           return (*getaddrinfo_ptr)(node,service,hintp,res);

+ #endif


      if (hintp == NULL)


            memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));


*** 160,165 ****

--- 259,275 ----


      if (res)


+ #ifdef WIN32

+           /*

+            * If Windows has native IPv6 support, use the native Windows routine.

+            * Otherwise, fall through and use our own code.

+            */

+           if (haveNativeWindowsIPv6routines())

+           {

+                 (*freeaddrinfo_ptr)(node,service,hintp,res);

+                 return;

+           }

+ #endif

            if (res->ai_addr)




*** 216,221 ****

--- 326,341 ----

                  char *node, int nodelen,

                  char *service, int servicelen, int flags)



+ #ifdef WIN32

+     /*

+      * If Windows has native IPv6 support, use the native Windows routine.

+      * Otherwise, fall through and use our own code.

+      */

+     if (haveNativeWindowsIPv6routines())

+           return (*getnameinfo_ptr)(sa,salen,node,nodelen,service,servicelen,flags);

+ #endif


      /* Invalid arguments. */

      if (sa == NULL || (node == NULL && service == NULL))

            return EAI_FAIL;

Attachment: getaddrinfo.patch
Description: getaddrinfo.patch

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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