Re: Darwin stuff is getting deprecated

Mac OS X versions 10.3 and later support a new, non-Mach API for registering Bonjour services. I believe this API is also available on other platforms. I see /usr/lib/ on my Fedora Core 5 system, but I can't find a header for it.

New API (<dns_sd.h>): dns_discovery_api/index.html

Deprecated API (currently used by PostgreSQL): dns_discovery_mach/index.html

The attached patch uses the new API.

(1) This requires Mac OS X 10.3 and later. Do we currently support PostgreSQL on older versions of Mac OS X? Is it acceptable to break Bonjour support on those systems?

(2) On non-Mac OS X platforms, <dns_sd.h> may require an additional library to be linked in for the postmaster.

(3) The current behavior for the bonjour_name GUC is that if PostgreSQL was compiled using --with-bonjour, Bonjour support is always enabled, and the default service name (the computer name) is used if bonjour_name is the empty string (""). This patch retains this behavior for choosing to use the default service name, which requires that NULL be passed in to DNSServiceRegister() as the service name (rather than "" like the old API).

(4) I patched, but not configure. Is that right?


- Chris

Attachment: dns_sd.patch
Description: Binary data

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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