OK, sequences removed from pg_tables.  Regression updated.  Patch


Mike Quinn wrote:
> The inclusion of the relkind='s' made me think that something other than tables 
> were to be included as well. I don't see any problem with the original intention
> of returning only tables. The view now is operating "almost" as designed. It does
> return "pg_xactlock" which is a special relation. The relkind='s' should be removed 
> in order to conform with the intention.
> Mike Quinn
> >>> Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/10/03 8:24:43 AM >>>
> "Mike Quinn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Given that 'S' => Sequence and 's' => special shouldn't the last condition in the 
> > WHERE clause be:
> > c.relkind = 'S'::"char"
> Only if you suppose that pg_tables should show sequences, which was not
> the intention.  (I'm not real sure why 's' relations are listed, since
> they're not really tables either, but the view is operating as
> designed.)
> I'm prepared to listen to an argument that pg_tables should show
> sequences, but that's a definition change not a bug fix.  Want to
> bring it up on -general or -hackers?
>                       regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

  Bruce Momjian                        |  http://candle.pha.pa.us
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |  (610) 359-1001
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  13 Roberts Road
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073
Index: src/bin/initdb/initdb.sh
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/src/bin/initdb/initdb.sh,v
retrieving revision 1.196
diff -c -c -r1.196 initdb.sh
*** src/bin/initdb/initdb.sh    21 Jul 2003 15:20:27 -0000      1.196
--- src/bin/initdb/initdb.sh    21 Jul 2003 22:00:37 -0000
*** 786,792 ****
          C.relhasrules AS hasrules, \
          (C.reltriggers > 0) AS hastriggers \
      FROM pg_class C LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace) \
!     WHERE C.relkind IN ('r', 'S');
  CREATE VIEW pg_indexes AS \
      SELECT \
--- 786,792 ----
          C.relhasrules AS hasrules, \
          (C.reltriggers > 0) AS hastriggers \
      FROM pg_class C LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace) \
!     WHERE C.relkind = 'r';
  CREATE VIEW pg_indexes AS \
      SELECT \
Index: src/test/regress/expected/rules.out
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql-server/src/test/regress/expected/rules.out,v
retrieving revision 1.76
diff -c -c -r1.76 rules.out
*** src/test/regress/expected/rules.out 19 Jul 2003 20:20:52 -0000      1.76
--- src/test/regress/expected/rules.out 21 Jul 2003 22:00:42 -0000
*** 1292,1298 ****
   pg_statio_user_sequences | SELECT pg_statio_all_sequences.relid, 
pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname, pg_statio_all_sequences.relname, 
pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_read, pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_hit FROM 
pg_statio_all_sequences WHERE ((pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname <> 
'pg_catalog'::name) AND (pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname <> 'pg_toast'::name));
   pg_statio_user_tables    | SELECT pg_statio_all_tables.relid, 
pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname, pg_statio_all_tables.relname, 
pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_hit, 
pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_hit, 
pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_hit, 
pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_hit FROM 
pg_statio_all_tables WHERE ((pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname <> 'pg_catalog'::name) 
AND (pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname <> 'pg_toast'::name));
   pg_stats                 | SELECT nspname AS schemaname, relname AS tablename, 
attname, stanullfrac AS null_frac, stawidth AS avg_width, stadistinct AS n_distinct, 
CASE WHEN (1 = stakind1) THEN stavalues1 WHEN (1 = stakind2) THEN stavalues2 WHEN (1 = 
stakind3) THEN stavalues3 WHEN (1 = stakind4) THEN stavalues4 ELSE NULL::anyarray END 
AS most_common_vals, CASE WHEN (1 = stakind1) THEN stanumbers1 WHEN (1 = stakind2) 
THEN stanumbers2 WHEN (1 = stakind3) THEN stanumbers3 WHEN (1 = stakind4) THEN 
stanumbers4 ELSE NULL::real[] END AS most_common_freqs, CASE WHEN (2 = stakind1) THEN 
stavalues1 WHEN (2 = stakind2) THEN stavalues2 WHEN (2 = stakind3) THEN stavalues3 
WHEN (2 = stakind4) THEN stavalues4 ELSE NULL::anyarray END AS histogram_bounds, CASE 
WHEN (3 = stakind1) THEN stanumbers1[1] WHEN (3 = stakind2) THEN stanumbers2[1] WHEN 
(3 = stakind3) THEN stanumbers3[1] WHEN (3 = stakind4) THEN stanumbers4[1] ELSE 
NULL::real END AS correlation FROM (((pg_statistic s JOIN pg_class c ON ((c.oid = 
s.starelid))) JOIN pg_attribute a ON (((c.oid = a.attrelid) AND (a.attnum = 
s.staattnum)))) LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON ((n.oid = c.relnamespace))) WHERE 
has_table_privilege(c.oid, 'select'::text);
!  pg_tables                | SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, 
pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS tableowner, c.relhasindex AS hasindexes, c.relhasrules 
AS hasrules, (c.reltriggers > 0) AS hastriggers FROM (pg_class c LEFT JOIN 
pg_namespace n ON ((n.oid = c.relnamespace))) WHERE ((c.relkind = 'r'::"char") OR 
(c.relkind = 's'::"char"));
   pg_user                  | SELECT pg_shadow.usename, pg_shadow.usesysid, 
pg_shadow.usecreatedb, pg_shadow.usesuper, pg_shadow.usecatupd, '********'::text AS 
passwd, pg_shadow.valuntil, pg_shadow.useconfig FROM pg_shadow;
   pg_views                 | SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS viewname, 
pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS viewowner, pg_get_viewdef(c.oid) AS definition FROM 
(pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON ((n.oid = c.relnamespace))) WHERE (c.relkind = 
   rtest_v1                 | SELECT rtest_t1.a, rtest_t1.b FROM rtest_t1;
--- 1292,1298 ----
   pg_statio_user_sequences | SELECT pg_statio_all_sequences.relid, 
pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname, pg_statio_all_sequences.relname, 
pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_read, pg_statio_all_sequences.blks_hit FROM 
pg_statio_all_sequences WHERE ((pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname <> 
'pg_catalog'::name) AND (pg_statio_all_sequences.schemaname <> 'pg_toast'::name));
   pg_statio_user_tables    | SELECT pg_statio_all_tables.relid, 
pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname, pg_statio_all_tables.relname, 
pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.heap_blks_hit, 
pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.idx_blks_hit, 
pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.toast_blks_hit, 
pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_read, pg_statio_all_tables.tidx_blks_hit FROM 
pg_statio_all_tables WHERE ((pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname <> 'pg_catalog'::name) 
AND (pg_statio_all_tables.schemaname <> 'pg_toast'::name));
   pg_stats                 | SELECT nspname AS schemaname, relname AS tablename, 
attname, stanullfrac AS null_frac, stawidth AS avg_width, stadistinct AS n_distinct, 
CASE WHEN (1 = stakind1) THEN stavalues1 WHEN (1 = stakind2) THEN stavalues2 WHEN (1 = 
stakind3) THEN stavalues3 WHEN (1 = stakind4) THEN stavalues4 ELSE NULL::anyarray END 
AS most_common_vals, CASE WHEN (1 = stakind1) THEN stanumbers1 WHEN (1 = stakind2) 
THEN stanumbers2 WHEN (1 = stakind3) THEN stanumbers3 WHEN (1 = stakind4) THEN 
stanumbers4 ELSE NULL::real[] END AS most_common_freqs, CASE WHEN (2 = stakind1) THEN 
stavalues1 WHEN (2 = stakind2) THEN stavalues2 WHEN (2 = stakind3) THEN stavalues3 
WHEN (2 = stakind4) THEN stavalues4 ELSE NULL::anyarray END AS histogram_bounds, CASE 
WHEN (3 = stakind1) THEN stanumbers1[1] WHEN (3 = stakind2) THEN stanumbers2[1] WHEN 
(3 = stakind3) THEN stanumbers3[1] WHEN (3 = stakind4) THEN stanumbers4[1] ELSE 
NULL::real END AS correlation FROM (((pg_statistic s JOIN pg_class c ON ((c.oid = 
s.starelid))) JOIN pg_attribute a ON (((c.oid = a.attrelid) AND (a.attnum = 
s.staattnum)))) LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON ((n.oid = c.relnamespace))) WHERE 
has_table_privilege(c.oid, 'select'::text);
!  pg_tables                | SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, 
pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS tableowner, c.relhasindex AS hasindexes, c.relhasrules 
AS hasrules, (c.reltriggers > 0) AS hastriggers FROM (pg_class c LEFT JOIN 
pg_namespace n ON ((n.oid = c.relnamespace))) WHERE (c.relkind = 'r'::"char");
   pg_user                  | SELECT pg_shadow.usename, pg_shadow.usesysid, 
pg_shadow.usecreatedb, pg_shadow.usesuper, pg_shadow.usecatupd, '********'::text AS 
passwd, pg_shadow.valuntil, pg_shadow.useconfig FROM pg_shadow;
   pg_views                 | SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS viewname, 
pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS viewowner, pg_get_viewdef(c.oid) AS definition FROM 
(pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON ((n.oid = c.relnamespace))) WHERE (c.relkind = 
   rtest_v1                 | SELECT rtest_t1.a, rtest_t1.b FROM rtest_t1;
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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