Re: Values list-of-targetlists patch for comments (was Re: [PATCHES] [HACKERS] 8.2 features?)

2006-08-01 Thread Tom Lane
Gavin Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Is this intentional:

> template1=# values(1), (2);
>  column1
> -
> (2 rows)

You bet.  VALUES is parallel to SELECT in the SQL grammar, so AFAICS
it should be legal anywhere you can write SELECT.

The basic productions in the spec's grammar are respectively

  SELECT [  ] 



and both of them link into the rest of the grammar here:



There is no construct I can find in the spec grammar that allows
 but not .  QED.

Try some stuff like

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: Values list-of-targetlists patch for comments (was Re: [PATCHES] [HACKERS] 8.2 features?)

2006-08-01 Thread Tom Lane
Here's what I've got so far.  I think there's probably more gold to be
mined in terms of reducing runtime memory consumption (I don't like the
list_free_deep bit, we should use a context), but functionally it seems
complete.  I'm off to dinner again, it's in your court to look over some
more if you want.

(PS: if you want to apply, go ahead, don't forget catversion bump.)

regards, tom lane

Description: values-lists-1.patch.gz

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: Values list-of-targetlists patch for comments (was Re: [PATCHES] [HACKERS] 8.2 features?)

2006-07-24 Thread Tom Lane
Joe Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Good feedback -- thanks! But without the RTE, how would VALUES in the 
> FROM clause work?

Is it different from INSERT?  I'm just imagining a Values node in
the jointree and nothing in the rangetable.

If I'm reading the spec correctly, VALUES is exactly parallel to SELECT
in the grammar, which means that to use it in FROM you would need
parentheses and an alias:



ISTM that this should be represented using an RTE_SUBQUERY node in the
outer query; the alias attaches to that node, not to the VALUES itself.
So I don't think you need that alias field in the jointree entry either.

If we stick with the plan of representing VALUES as if it were SELECT *
FROM (valuesnode), then this approach would make the second query above
have a structure like

  .rtable ->RTE_SUBQUERY
  .subquery ->  Query
  .jointree ->  Values

(leaving out a ton of detail of course, but those are the key nodes).

To get this to reverse-list in the expected form, we'd need a small
kluge in ruleutils.c that short-circuits the display of "SELECT
... FROM" etc when it sees a Values node at the top of the jointree.
This seems like a fairly small price to pay for keeping Query in
approximately its present form, though.

One thought is that we might allow Query.jointree to point to either
a FromExpr or a Values node, and disallow Values from appearing further
down in the jointree (except perhaps after flattening of subqueries
in the planner).  The alternative is that there's a FromExpr atop
the Values node in the jointree even in the simple case; which seems
uglier but it might avoid breaking some code that expects the top level
to always be FromExpr.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
   choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: Values list-of-targetlists patch for comments (was Re: [PATCHES] [HACKERS] 8.2 features?)

2006-07-24 Thread Tom Lane
Joe Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> There are basically two ways you could go about this:
>> 1. Make a new jointree leaf node type to represent a VALUES construct,
>> and dangle the list of lists of expressions off that.
>> 2. Make a new RangeTblEntry type to represent a VALUES construct, and
>> just put a RangeTblRef to it into the jointree.  The expressions
>> dangle off the RangeTblEntry.

You seem to have done *both*, which is certainly not what I had in mind.
I'd drop the RangeTblEntry changes, I think.

Shoving all the tuples into a tuplestore is not doing anything for you
from a performance point of view.  I was thinking more of evaluating the
targetlists on-the-fly.  Basically what I foresaw as the executor
mechanism was something like a Result node, except with a list of
targetlists instead of just one, and part of its runtime state would be
an index saying which one to evaluate next.  (The update logic for the
index would be just like Append's logic for which subplan to eval next.)

Result as it currently stands is a pretty queer beast because it can
have a child plan or not.  I'm tempted to suggest splitting it into
two node types, perhaps call the one with a child "Filter" and reserve
the name "Result" for the one with no child.  The reason for doing this
in this context is that we could just make the no-child case be
multi-targetlist-capable (rather than having separate nearly identical
node types with single and multi tlists).  AFAICS multi tlists don't
make any sense for the filter-a-child-plan scenario, so that's why I
want to push that case off to a different node type.

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings