>>>-----Messaggio originale-----
>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di 
>>>Christopher Kings-Lynne
>>>Inviato: venerd́ 14 maggio 2004 11.55
>>>A: Fabio Panizzutti
>>>Cc: 'Manfred Koizar'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>Oggetto: Re: R: R: [PERFORM] Query plan on identical tables 
>>>differs . Why ?
>>>> I trust in my hardware an O.S so fsync setting is a
>>>> big dubt for my production enviroment .
>>>Then you are making a big mistake, loving your hardware more 
>>>than your data...

I'm testing for better performance in insert/delete so i turn off fsync
, i don't love hardware more than data , so i'll set fsync on in the
production enviroment .
Thanks a lot

Best regards


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