[PERFORM] speeding up a select with C function?

2004-03-07 Thread David Teran

 we need to optimize / speed up a simple select:

explain analyze select
from job_property t0, job_property t1
where t0.id_job_profile = 5
and t1.id_job_profile = 6
and t1.id_job_attribute = t0.id_job_attribute
and t1.int_value  t0.int_value;
the result from explain analyze is:

first run:
 Merge Join  (cost=8314.36..8336.21 rows=258 width=8) (actual  
time=226.544..226.890 rows=43 loops=1)
   Merge Cond: (outer.id_job_attribute = inner.id_job_attribute)
   Join Filter: (inner.int_value  outer.int_value)
   -  Sort  (cost=4157.18..4159.75 rows=1026 width=8) (actual  
time=113.781..113.826 rows=232 loops=1)
 Sort Key: t0.id_job_attribute
 -  Index Scan using job_property__id_job_profile__fk_index on  
job_property t0  (cost=0.00..4105.87 rows=1026 width=8) (actual  
time=0.045..113.244 rows=232 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (id_job_profile = 5)
   -  Sort  (cost=4157.18..4159.75 rows=1026 width=8) (actual  
time=112.504..112.544 rows=254 loops=1)
 Sort Key: t1.id_job_attribute
 -  Index Scan using job_property__id_job_profile__fk_index on  
job_property t1  (cost=0.00..4105.87 rows=1026 width=8) (actual  
time=0.067..112.090 rows=254 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (id_job_profile = 6)
 Total runtime: 227.120 ms
(12 rows)

second run:

 Merge Join  (cost=8314.36..8336.21 rows=258 width=8) (actual  
time=4.323..4.686 rows=43 loops=1)
   Merge Cond: (outer.id_job_attribute = inner.id_job_attribute)
   Join Filter: (inner.int_value  outer.int_value)
   -  Sort  (cost=4157.18..4159.75 rows=1026 width=8) (actual  
time=2.666..2.700 rows=232 loops=1)
 Sort Key: t0.id_job_attribute
 -  Index Scan using job_property__id_job_profile__fk_index on  
job_property t0  (cost=0.00..4105.87 rows=1026 width=8) (actual  
time=0.279..2.354 rows=232 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (id_job_profile = 5)
   -  Sort  (cost=4157.18..4159.75 rows=1026 width=8) (actual  
time=1.440..1.477 rows=254 loops=1)
 Sort Key: t1.id_job_attribute
 -  Index Scan using job_property__id_job_profile__fk_index on  
job_property t1  (cost=0.00..4105.87 rows=1026 width=8) (actual  
time=0.040..1.133 rows=254 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (id_job_profile = 6)
 Total runtime: 4.892 ms
(12 rows)

I have run vacuum analyze before executing the statements. I wonder now  
if there is any chance to speed this up. Could we use a C function to  
access the indexes faster or is there any other chance to speed this  

The Server is a dual G5/2GHZ with 8 GB of RAM and a 3.5 TB fiberchannel  
RAID. The job_property table is about 1 GB large (checked with dbsize)  
and has about 6.800.000 rows.

regards David

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [PERFORM] Using bigint needs explicit cast to use the index

2004-03-07 Thread Neil Conway
Steven Butler wrote:
I've recently converted a database to use bigint for the indices.  Suddenly
simple queries like
select * from new_test_result where parent_id = 2

are doing full table scans instead of using the index.
This is fixed in CVS HEAD. In the mean time, you can enclose the 
integer literal in single quotes, or explicitely cast it to the type 
of the column.

FWIW, this is an FAQ.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
 subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
 message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [PERFORM] speeding up a select with C function?

2004-03-07 Thread Christopher Kings-Lynne
explain analyze select
from job_property t0, job_property t1
where t0.id_job_profile = 5
and t1.id_job_profile = 6
and t1.id_job_attribute = t0.id_job_attribute
and t1.int_value  t0.int_value;
Don't bother with C function, use SQL function instead.  You could get a 
50% speedup.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
   (send unregister YourEmailAddressHere to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

[PERFORM] simple query join

2004-03-07 Thread Chris Smith
Title: Message


I've got what 
should be a relatively simple join between two tables that is taking forever and 
I can't work out why.


It can't be 
upgraded because the system is kept in sync with RedHat Enterprise (using 
up2date). Not my system otherwise I'd do that :(

Database has been 
'vacuum analyze'd.

blah= \d 
Table "public.sq_asset" 
| character varying(100) | not 
nullversion | character 
varying(20) | not null default 
| character varying(255) | not null default 
''short_name | character 
varying(255) | not null default 
''status | 
| not null default 1languages | 
character varying(50) | not null default 
''charset | character 
varying(50) | not null default 
''force_secure | 
| not null default 
'0'created | timestamp 
without time zone | not 
nullupdated | timestamp 
without time zone | not nullcreated_userid | character 
varying(255) | not null default 
'0'updated_userid | character 
varying(255) | not null default 
'0'assetid | 
| not null default 0Indexes: sq_asset_pkey primary key btree 

blah= select 
count(*) from sq_asset;count ---16467(1 

blah= \d 
Table "public.sq_asset_permission" Column 
| Modifiers 
| not null default 0access | 
character(1) | not 
null default '0'assetid | character varying(255) | 
not null default '0'userid | character 
varying(255) | not null default '0'Indexes: sq_asset_permission_pkey primary 
key btree (assetid, userid, permission) 
"sq_asset_permission_access" btree ("access") 
"sq_asset_permission_assetid" btree (assetid) 
"sq_asset_permission_permission" btree (permission) 
"sq_asset_permission_userid" btree (userid)
blah= select 
count(*) from sq_asset_permission;count 
---73715(1 row)

SELECT p.*FROM sq_asset a, sq_asset_permission pWHERE a.assetid = 
p.assetidAND p.permission = '1'AND p.access = '1'AND p.userid = 
Loop (cost=0.00..4743553.10 rows=2582 width=27) (actual 
time=237.91..759310.60 rows=11393 loops=1) Join Filter: 
(("inner".assetid)::text = ("outer".assetid)::text) - 
Seq Scan on sq_asset_permission p (cost=0.00..1852.01 rows=2288 width=23) 
(actual time=0.06..196.90 rows=12873 
loops=1) Filter: 
((permission = 1) AND ("access" = '1'::bpchar) AND (userid = '0'::character 
varying)) - Seq Scan on sq_asset a 
(cost=0.00..1825.67 rows=16467 width=4) (actual time=1.40..29.09 rows=16467 
loops=12873)Total runtime: 759331.85 msec(6 

It's a straight 
join so I can't see why it would be this slow.. The tables are pretty small 

Thanks for any 
suggestions :)


Re: [PERFORM] simple query join

2004-03-07 Thread Dennis Bjorklund
On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, Chris Smith wrote:

  assetid| integer | not null default 0

  assetid| character varying(255) | not null default '0'

The types above does not match, and these are the attributes you use to 

/Dennis Björklund

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend