Re: [PERFORM] sequential scan performance

2005-05-30 Thread Michael Engelhart
Thanks everyone for all the  suggestions.  I'll check into those  
contrib modules.

On May 29, 2005, at 2:44 PM, Oleg Bartunov wrote:


I'd recommend our contrib/pg_trgm module, which provides
trigram based fuzzy search and return results ordered by similarity
to your query.  Read 

for more details.

On Sun, 29 May 2005, Michael Engelhart wrote:

Hi -

I have a table of about 3 million rows of city aliases that I  
need to query using LIKE - for example:

select * from city_alias where city_name like '%FRANCISCO'

When I do an EXPLAIN ANALYZE on the above query, the result is:

Seq Scan on city_alias  (cost=0.00..59282.31 rows=2 width=42)  
(actual time=73.369..3330.281 rows=407 loops=1)

  Filter: ((name)::text ~~ '%FRANCISCO'::text)
Total runtime: 3330.524 ms
(3 rows)

this is a query that our system needs to do a LOT.   Is there any  
way to improve the performance on this either with changes to our  
query or by configuring the database deployment?   We have an  
index on city_name but when using the % operator on the front of  
the query string postgresql can't use the index .

Thanks for any help.


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Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia)
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[PERFORM] sequential scan performance

2005-05-29 Thread Michael Engelhart

Hi -

I have a table of about 3 million rows of city aliases that I need  
to query using LIKE - for example:

select * from city_alias where city_name like '%FRANCISCO'

When I do an EXPLAIN ANALYZE on the above query, the result is:

 Seq Scan on city_alias  (cost=0.00..59282.31 rows=2 width=42)  
(actual time=73.369..3330.281 rows=407 loops=1)

   Filter: ((name)::text ~~ '%FRANCISCO'::text)
Total runtime: 3330.524 ms
(3 rows)

this is a query that our system needs to do a LOT.   Is there any way  
to improve the performance on this either with changes to our query  
or by configuring the database deployment?   We have an index on  
city_name but when using the % operator on the front of the query  
string postgresql can't use the index .

Thanks for any help.


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