I am using triggers for all the events (insert,delete,update) please
find the details below.

trg_delpointtable BEFORE DELETE ON pointtable FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE
PROCEDURE pp_delpointtable()

trg_insdelpoints AFTER DELETE ON pointtable FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE
PROCEDURE pp_insdelpoints()

trgins_pointtable AFTER INSERT ON pointtable FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE
PROCEDURE pp_inspointtable()

trupd_pointtable AFTER UPDATE ON pointtable FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE
PROCEDURE pp_updpointtable()

Basically, this each trigger modifies the content of other dependent

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Tino Wildenhain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:34 AM
To: Jeevanandam, Kathirvel (IE10)
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: triggers, performance Was: Re: [GENERAL] rotate records

Jeevanandam, Kathirvel (IE10) schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I am facing performance issues even with less than 3000 records, I am
> using Triggers/SPs in all the tables. What could be the problem.
> Any idea it is good to use triggers w.r.t performance?

Much to general. What triggers? (what are they doing, when are
they invoked...?). Please provide much greater details with
your request or nobody can help.


PS: and try not to steal threads

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