[PERFORM] sum of left join greater than its parts

2006-01-17 Thread Robert Treat
8.1.1, everything vacuumed/analyzed. basically i have two queries that when executed individually run quite quickly, but if I try to left join the second query onto the first, everything gets quite a bit slower. rms=# explain analyze rms-# SELECT rms-# software_download.* rms-# FROM rms-#

Re: [PERFORM] sum of left join greater than its parts

2006-01-17 Thread Josh Berkus
Hmmm, this looks like a planner bug to me: Hash Join (cost=870.00..992.56 rows=1 width=96) (actual time=90.566..125.782 rows=472 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((outer.host_id = inner.host_id) AND (outer.?column2? = inner.mtime)) - HashAggregate (cost=475.88..495.32 rows=1555 width=16) (actual