Re: [PERFORM] General performance questions about postgres on Apple hardware...

2004-02-23 Thread Simon Riggs
>Sean Shanny
> Hardware:  Apple G5 dual 2.0 with 8GB memory attached via dual fibre
> channel to a fully loaded 3.5TB XRaid.  The XRaid is configured as two
> disk hardware based RAID5 sets software striped to form a RAID50 set.
> The DB, WALS, etc are all on that file set.  Running OSX journaled
> system  Running postgres 7.4.1.  OSX Server 10.3.2  Postgres is
> locally with  '--enable-recode' '--enable-multibyte=UNICODE'
> 'CFLAGS=-mcpu=970 -mtune=970 -mpowerpc64 -O3'

Have you tried altering the blocksize to a higher value? Say 32K?

> max_connections = 100

Why have you set this to 100 when you have typically 1-3 users?

> sort_mem = 256000   # min 64, size in KB

If you have only 1-3 users, then that value seems reasonable.

> The query is
> SELECT, t2.md5, t2.url FROM referral_temp t2 LEFT OUTER JOIN
> d_referral t1 ON t2.md5 = t1.referral_md5;
> \d d_referral
>  id | integer | not null
>  referral_md5   | text| not null
>  referral_raw_url   | text| not null
>  referral_host  | text|
>  referral_path  | text|
>  referral_query | text|
>  job_control_number | integer | not null
> \d referral_temp
>  md5| text |
>  url| text |

Have you looked at using reversed indexes, as per recent postings in
[performance]? These seemed to help considerably with lookup speed when
using a large URL database, which seems to be your situation here.

>Jeff Boes writes
> We have a large (several million row) table with a field containing
> URLs. Now, funny thing about URLs: they mostly start with a common
> substring ("http://www.";). But not all the rows start with this, so we
> can't just lop off the first N characters. However, we noticed some
> ago that an index on this field wasn't as effective as an index on the
> REVERSE of the field. So ...
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn_urlrev(text) returns text as '
> return reverse(lc($_[0]))
> ' language 'plperl' with (iscachable,isstrict);
> and then
> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_links_3 ON links
> (fn_urlrev(path_base));

You have 2 CPUs: have you tried splitting your input data file into two
tables, then executing the same query simultaneously, to split the
processing? If you get the correct plan, you should use roughly the same
I/O but use all of the available CPU power.

I'm sure we'd all be interested in your further results!

Best Regards, Simon Riggs

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

[PERFORM] General performance questions about postgres on Apple hardware...

2004-02-20 Thread Sean Shanny
To all,

This is a 2 question email.  First is asking about general tuning of the 
Apple hardware/postgres combination.  The second is whether is is 
possible to speed up a particular query.


Hardware:  Apple G5 dual 2.0 with 8GB memory attached via dual fibre 
channel to a fully loaded 3.5TB XRaid.  The XRaid is configured as two 7 
disk hardware based RAID5 sets software striped to form a RAID50 set.  
The DB, WALS, etc are all on that file set.  Running OSX journaled file 
system  Running postgres 7.4.1.  OSX Server 10.3.2  Postgres is compiled 
locally with  '--enable-recode' '--enable-multibyte=UNICODE' 
'CFLAGS=-mcpu=970 -mtune=970 -mpowerpc64 -O3'

Config stuff that we have changed:

tcpip_socket = true
max_connections = 100
# - Memory -

shared_buffers = 16000  # min 16, at least max_connections*2, 
8KB each
sort_mem = 256000   # min 64, size in KB
vacuum_mem = 64000  # min 1024, size in KB
fsync = true# turns forced synchronization on or off
wal_sync_method = open_sync # the default varies across platforms:
   # fsync, fdatasync, open_sync, or 
wal_buffers = 64# min 4, 8KB each
checkpoint_segments = 300   # in logfile segments, min 1, 16MB each
checkpoint_timeout = 30 # range 30-3600, in seconds
effective_cache_size = 40   # typically 8KB each
random_page_cost = 1# units are one sequential page fetch cost
default_statistics_target = 1000# range 1-1000

We are generally getting poor performance out of the RAID set, they 
claim 200/MB/sec per channel, the best we can get with straight OS based 
data transfers is 143MB/sec. :-( (we have a call into apple about this) 
When I execute the following, d_url is a big table,

create table temp_url as select * from d_url ;

I would expect to bound by IO but via iostat we are seeing only about 
30mb/sec with bursts of 100+ when the WAL is written.  sy is high as 
well and the tps seems low.

Can anyone shed some light on what we might do to improve performance 
for postgres on this platform?  Also, is there a test that is available 
that would we could run to show the maximum postgres can do on this 
platform?  This is a data warehouse system so generally we only have 1-3 
queries running at anytime.  More often only 1.  We are obviously 
working with very large tables so we are interested in maximizing our IO 

 disk1   disk2   disk0   cpu
 KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s   KB/t tps  MB/s  us sy id
17.04 961 15.99  17.16 957 16.03   8.83   6  0.05  12 32 56
22.75 580 12.89  22.79 578 12.87   0.00   0  0.00  10 34 56
24.71 586 14.14  24.67 587 14.14   0.00   0  0.00  12 40 48
21.98 648 13.91  21.97 648 13.91   0.00   0  0.00  16 27 56
22.07 608 13.10  22.09 607 13.09   0.00   0  0.00  14 29 57
26.54 570 14.77  26.37 575 14.80   0.00   0  0.00  12 34 54
18.91 646 11.93  18.90 646 11.93   0.00   0  0.00   9 33 58
15.12 636  9.38  15.12 636  9.38   0.00   0  0.00  14 22 64
16.22 612  9.69  16.23 611  9.68   0.00   0  0.00  20 27 54
15.02 573  8.41  15.01 574  8.41   0.00   0  0.00  14 29 57
15.54 593  9.00  15.52 595  9.02   0.00   0  0.00  13 28 59
22.35 596 13.01  22.42 593 12.99   0.00   0  0.00   9 32 58
61.57 887 53.33  60.73 901 53.43   4.00   1  0.00   8 48 44
11.13 2173 23.62  11.13 2167 23.54   0.00   0  0.00  10 68 22
10.07 2402 23.63  10.20 2368 23.58   4.00   1  0.00  10 72 18
14.75 1110 15.99  14.74 1116 16.06   8.92   6  0.05  12 42 46
22.79 510 11.36  22.79 510 11.36   0.00   0  0.00  16 28 56
23.65 519 11.99  23.50 522 11.98   0.00   0  0.00  13 42 46
22.45 592 12.98  22.45 592 12.98   0.00   0  0.00  14 27 58
25.38 579 14.35  25.37 579 14.35   0.00   0  0.00   8 36 56

Trying to understand if there is a faster way to do this?  This is part 
of our nightly bulk load of a data warehouse.  We are reading in new 
data, pulling out the relevant bits, and then need to check to see if 
they already exist in the dimension tables.  Use to do this via separate 
lookups for each value, not very fast.  Trying to do this all in the DB now.

The query is

SELECT, t2.md5, t2.url FROM referral_temp t2 LEFT OUTER JOIN 
d_referral t1 ON t2.md5 = t1.referral_md5;

\d d_referral
id | integer | not null
referral_md5   | text| not null
referral_raw_url   | text| not null
referral_host  | text|
referral_path  | text|
referral_query | text|
job_control_number | integer | not null
\d referral_temp
md5| text |
url| text |
Actual row count in the temp table:

select count(*) from referral_temp ;
Actual row count in d_referral table:

select count(*) from d_referral ;
Note: that an analyze had not been performed on the referral_temp table 
prior to the explain analyze run.

explain analyze  SELECT, t2.md5, t2.url from referral_temp t2 LEFT 
OUTER JOIN d_referral t1 ON t2.md5 = t1.referral_md