Re: [PERFORM] SLOW query with aggregates

2004-03-23 Thread Greg Stark

"A Palmblad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  GroupAggregate  (cost=0.00..338300.34 rows=884 width=345) (actual
> time=86943.272..382718.104 rows=3117 loops=1)
>->  Merge Join  (cost=0.00..93642.52 rows=1135610 width=345) (actual
> time=0.148..24006.748 rows=1120974 loops=1)

I think the reason you're getting a GroupAggregate here instead of a
HashAggregate is that the MergeJoin is already producing the records in the
desired order, so the GroupAggregate doesn't require an extra sort, ie, it's
effectively free.

You might be able to verify this by running the query with 

enable_indexscan = off  and/or  enable_mergejoin = off

some combination of which might get the planner to do a seqscan of the large
table with a hash join to the small table and then a HashAggregate.

If you're reading a lot of the large table the seqscan could be a little
faster, not much though. And given the accurate statistics guesses here the
planner may well have gotten this one right and the seqscan is slower. Can't
hurt to be verify it though.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[PERFORM] SLOW query with aggregates

2004-03-23 Thread A Palmblad
I am trying to optimize a query that does a lot of aggregation.  I have a
large number of columns that are part of the result, and most are
aggregates.  They are acting on two temporary tables, the largest of which
should have at most 1 million tuples, and the smaller around 5000; the the
smaller table matches the number of rows expecting in the result.  I've
played around with some indexes on the temp tables, and analyzing them; even
using a vacuum analyze, and the worst part is always a groupAggregate.

This query can be optimized at the expense of other operations; it will
be run during low usage hours.  I have tried to bump up sort_mem to get the
query optimizer to cosider a HashAggregate instread of a groupAggregate;
setting it as high as 2 gigs still had the query optimizer using

The troublesome query is:

sum(a) as a,
count(*) as b,
sum(case when type = 1 then 0 else someNumber end) as successful,
sum(c) as c,

tempAggregates.mode as mode
-variations of the above repeated around 30 times, with a few other
aggregates like min and max making an appearance, and some array stuff
   from tempItems join tempAggregates using (category_id)
   group by tempItems.category_id, mode

I've tried just grouping by category_id, and doing a max(mode), but that
doesn't have much of an effect on performance; although row estimation for
the group aggregate was better.  A lot is being done, so maybe I can't get
it to be much more efficient...

Here's the output of an explain analyze:


 GroupAggregate  (cost=0.00..338300.34 rows=884 width=345) (actual
time=86943.272..382718.104 rows=3117 loops=1)
   ->  Merge Join  (cost=0.00..93642.52 rows=1135610 width=345) (actual
time=0.148..24006.748 rows=1120974 loops=1)
 Merge Cond: ("outer".category_id = "inner".category_id)
 ->  Index Scan using tempaggregatesindex on tempaggregates
(cost=0.00..91.31 rows=3119 width=115) (actual time=0.055..6.573 rows=3117
 ->  Index Scan using tempitemsindex on tempitems
(cost=0.00..79348.45 rows=1135610 width=241) (actual time=0.064..7511.980
rows=1121164 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 382725.502 ms
(6 rows)

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

-Adam Palmblad

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [PERFORM] SLOW query with aggregates

2004-03-23 Thread Tom Lane
"A Palmblad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  GroupAggregate  (cost=0.00..338300.34 rows=884 width=345) (actual
> time=86943.272..382718.104 rows=3117 loops=1)
>->  Merge Join  (cost=0.00..93642.52 rows=1135610 width=345) (actual
> time=0.148..24006.748 rows=1120974 loops=1)

You do not have a planning problem here, and trying to change the plan
is a waste of time.  The slowness is in the actual computation of the
aggregate functions; ergo the only way to speed it up is to change what
you're computing.  What aggregates are you computing exactly, and over
what datatypes?

regards, tom lane

---(end of broadcast)---
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