On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 12:33:01PM +0530, Maneesha Nunes wrote:
> Hello there !!!
> I  am using  postgresql7.2.1  as the backend for an E.R.P system running
> on Linux  Redhat 7.2(Enigma)

You should upgrade, to at the _very least_ the last release of 7.2. 
There were bugs in earlier releases fixed in later releases; that's
why there's a 7.2.4.  (I'll also point out that the 7.2 series is
missing plenty of performance enhancements which came later.  I'd get
to work on upgrading, because 7.2 is now basically unmaintained.)

But in any case, you likely have issues on your system tables.  I'd
do a VACUUM FULL and a complete REINDEX of the system tables next.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I remember when computers were frustrating because they *did* exactly what 
you told them to.  That actually seems sort of quaint now.
                --J.D. Baldwin

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