I would like to thank everyone for their timely suggestions.


The problem appears to be resolved now. We verified/modified  - locking/indexes/vacuum/checkpoints/IO bottleneck/queries, etc.


Couple significant changes were the number of checkpoint segments were increased, and we moved over the database to a new SAN RAID10 volume (which was in plan anyway, just did it sooner).





From: Anjan Dave
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 4:53 PM
Subject: [PERFORM] can't handle large number of INSERT/UPDATEs




I am dealing with an app here that uses pg to handle a few thousand concurrent web users. It seems that under heavy load, the INSERT and UPDATE statements to one or two specific tables keep queuing up, to the count of 150+ (one table has about 432K rows, other has about 2.6Million rows), resulting in ‘wait’s for other queries, and then everything piles up, with the load average shooting up to 10+.


We (development) have gone through the queries/explain analyzes and made sure the appropriate indexes exist among other efforts put in.


I would like to know if there is anything that can be changed for better from the systems perspective. Here’s what I have done and some recent changes from the system side:


-Upgraded from 7.4.0 to 7.4.1 sometime ago

-Upgraded from RH8 to RHEL 3.0

-The settings from postgresql.conf (carried over, basically) are:

            shared_buffers = 10240 (80MB)

            max_connections = 400

            sort_memory = 1024

            effective_cache_size = 262144 (2GB)

            checkpoint_segments = 15

stats_start_collector = true

stats_command_string = true

Rest everything is at default


In /etc/sysctl.conf (512MB shared mem)

kernel.shmall = 536870912

kernel.shmmax = 536870912


-This is a new Dell 6650 (quad XEON 2.2GHz, 8GB RAM, Internal HW RAID10), RHEL 3.0 (2.4.21-20.ELsmp), PG 7.4.1

-Vaccum Full run everyday

-contrib/Reindex run everyday

-Disabled HT in BIOS


I would greatly appreciate any helpful ideas.


Thanks in advance,



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