"Rodrigo Moreno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The current values for:
> max_fsm_pages = 1048576  
> max_fsm_relations = 1000  
> this is enough ?

That max_fsm_pages value is enough to cover 8Gb, so it should work OK
for a database disk footprint up to 10 or so Gb.  I don't know how many
tables in your installation so I can't say if max_fsm_relations is high
enough, but you can check that by looking at the tail end of the output
of VACUUM VERBOSE.  (Or just count 'em ;-))

Offhand these look reasonable, though, so if you are seeing database
bloat over time it probably means you need to tweak your autovacuum
settings.  I'm not much of an autovacuum expert, but maybe someone
else can help you there.

You might want to keep track of physical file sizes over a period of
time and try to determine exactly where the bloat is happening.

                        regards, tom lane

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