On Thu, 02 Mar 2017 10:02:04 +0100, Peter Uhnak <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:

We spoke briefly on Tuesday. I need to take a look (also at his EMF generator) and see how the tools could benefit from each other. I think it could simplify some of my code or streamline the use of it.

super cool :)

(Also I have about a billion code generators at the moment with small differences... so I will merge that at some point too...)


On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 10:29:38PM +0100, stepharong wrote:
Hi torsten

do you know the work of peter to generate classes out of XMI and
populate models?
Because it complements your approach.


On Wed, 01 Mar 2017 22:26:05 +0100, Torsten Bergmann
<asta...@gmx.de> wrote:

>if you work with UML, modeling tools or model data exchange often
>you might know XMI -
>the XML Metadata Interchange format.
>I wrote a little package that makes it easier to work and browse
>data based on this
>format within Pharo.
>For instance you can open an XMI object either from a given stream
>or URL:
> (XMIFile fromURL: 'http://www.omg.org/spec/UML/20131001/UML.xmi')
>You can also open a file
> XMIFile importFile
>Code is available on https://github.com/astares/Pharo-XMI
>The package includes a small GT extension allowing you to walk and
>dive through the XMI
>structure (see attached screenshot) and as the XMI nodes are
>unified it is easy to
>code some code generators or transformers in Pharo afterwards.
>For instance I used this package for a simple Pharo code generator
>based on Eclipse EMF models/diagrams.
>Within the code you will find some examples to browse through
>prominent XMI models like:
>- UML Spec
>   => (XMIFile fromURL:
>'http://www.omg.org/spec/UML/20131001/UML.xmi') inspect
> => (XMIFile fromURL: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/staruml/XMI/master/unittest-files/VP_XMI21.xmi')
> => (XMIFile fromURL: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/staruml/XMI/master/unittest-files/EA_XMI21.xmi')
>   => (XMIFile fromURL:
>'https://www.reflektis.com/repos/archimate-3.0.xmi) inspect
>Once the inspector opens you have to select the "rootNode" and
>then the "Hierarchy" tab.
>In Pharo 6 you can load "XMI" right from catalog. Hope the package
>is useful for others too.

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