When I see this code, I think that we are missing a MenuGroupSpec to work with 
and we could also rename PluggableMenuSpec into MenuSpec.

buildMenuSpec: aMenu 
        "recursiveley build the menu spec aMenu passed as argument"
        self itemList
                ifNotNil: [:l | 
                        | m |
                        m := isGroup 
                                ifFalse: [PluggableMenuSpec withModel: nil]
                                ifTrue: [aMenu].
                        (l reject: [:i | i precondition value not]) do: [:i | i 
buildMenuSpec: m].
                        isGroup ifFalse: [self spec subMenu: m]].
                ifTrue: [self spec separator ifTrue: [self itemList ifNotNil: 
[self itemList last spec separator: true]]] 
                ifFalse: [aMenu items add: self spec]


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