
I would like to write some scripts with Pharo. 
Now I cannot find how to block the settings
because I have a crash in my settings

pharo80 /Users/ducasse/Documents/Pharo/images/P8Indian/P8Indian.image --list    
pharo80 /Users/ducasse/Documents/Pharo/images/P8Indian/P8Indian.image —-help
pharo80 /Users/ducasse/Documents/Pharo/images/P8Indian/P8Indian.image -help

All of them crash because my settings are broken    

doing the following does not help

pharo80 --help
Usage: /Users/ducasse/bin/Pharo/Pharo64Stable.app/Contents/MacOS/Pharo 
[<option>...] [<imageName> [<argument>...]]
[<option>...] -- [<argument>...]

Common <option>s:
  --help                 print this help message, then exit
  --memory <size>[mk]    use fixed heap size (added to image size)
  --nohandlers           disable sigsegv & sigusr1 handlers
  --timephases           print start load and run times
  --breaksel selector    set breakpoint on send of selector
  --breakmnu selector    set breakpoint on MNU of selector
  --eden <size>[mk]      set eden memory to bytes
  --leakcheck num        check for leaks in the heap
  --stackpages num       use n stack pages
  --numextsems num       make the external semaphore table num in size
  --noheartbeat          disable the heartbeat for VM debugging. disables input
  --pollpip              output . on each poll for input
  --checkpluginwrites    check for writes past end of object in plugins
  --trace[=num]          enable tracing (optionally to a specific value)
  --warnpid              print pid in warnings
  --codesize <size>[mk]  set machine code memory to bytes
  --tracestores          enable store tracing (assert check stores)
  --cogmaxlits <n>       set max number of literals for methods to be compiled 
to machine code
  --cogminjumps <n>      set min number of backward jumps for interpreted 
methods to be considered for compilation to machine code
  --reportheadroom       report unused stack headroom on exit
  --maxoldspace <size>[mk]      set max size of old space memory to bytes
  --logscavenge          log scavenging to scavenge.log
  --headless             run in headless (no window) mode (default: false)
  --headfull             run in headful (window) mode (default: true)
  --version              print version information, then exit
  --blockonerror         on error or segv block, not exit.  useful for 
attaching gdb
  --blockonwarn          on warning block, don't warn.  useful for attaching gdb
  --exitonwarn           treat warnings as errors, exiting on warn

  <imageName> defaults to `Pharo.image'.
  If '--memory' or '-maxoldspace' are not specified then the heap will grow 
  <argument>s are ignored, but are processed by the Squeak image.
  The first <argument> normally names a Squeak `script' to execute.
  Precede <arguments> by `--' to use default image.

Stéphane Ducasse
http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr / http://www.pharo.org 
03 59 35 87 52
Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
FAX 03 59 57 78 50
TEL 03 59 35 86 16
S. Ducasse - Inria
40, avenue Halley, 
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650

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