I do not get why a property is useful here and why not just a temp is not good enough.

Especially since there are no other users of the property.

displayFiltered: evt
    | matchStr matches feedbackMorph |

    matchStr := self valueOfProperty: #matchString.
    matches := self menuItems select: [:m | | isMatch |
        isMatch := matchStr isEmpty or: [
            m contents includesSubstring: matchStr caseSensitive: false
        m isEnabled: isMatch.
    feedbackMorph := self valueOfProperty: #feedbackMorph.
    feedbackMorph ifNil: [
        feedbackMorph :=
            TextMorph new
                autoFit: true;
                color: Color darkGray.
            addMorphBack: feedbackMorph lock.
        self setProperty: #feedbackMorph toValue: feedbackMorph.
        self fullBounds.  "Lay out for submorph adjacency"].
    feedbackMorph contents: '<', matchStr, '>'.
    matchStr isEmpty ifTrue: [
        feedbackMorph delete.
        self lastSubmorph delete.
        self removeProperty: #feedbackMorph
" This method is invoked with evt = nil from MenuMorph >> removeMatchString. The current implementation can't select an item without an event. (Yet :D)"
       (evt notNil and: [ matches size >= 1 ])
        ifTrue: [self selectItem: matches first event: evt]

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