Pretty cool!

One of my ideas with Grafoscopio was to be able to read interactive documentation inside Pharo, which was obtained in a pretty primitive way. Now I have moved to Lepiter as a GUI of our documentation workflows and Markdeep as a default format for storage and web rendering. But seeing the advances in Microdown and its interactive viewer is pretty inspiring. I hope to check some Pharo books prepackaged with upcoming releases.

Keep the good work,


On 14/03/24 9:40, stephane ducasse wrote:
Hi Richard

I did not see your original post because I messed up with my account.
But thanks for your email :)

Now the cool stuff if that we can also read the books from within Pharo.
We should improve the Microdown renderer and suddenly we will get shiny cool


This is a new thread because it's not limited to any specific topic.

If you have questions about Pharo, especially "how do I do <this> in
Pharo", you can always ask in this mailing list.  You can, if you like
playing Russian Roulette, ask a Large Language Model "AI".

But there is an amazing resource you should really trye.

Did you ever wonder where the manual for Pharo was?
That's where.  The site lists a bunch of Pharo books and booklets,
all of which have free PDFs except for two of the books.
In particular, you'll always want the most recent edition of
"Pharo by Example" handy.

These books are really useful.  They are written by people know know
their material thoroughly and do a good job of explaining it.  If you
want to make any serious use of Pharo, or even to have more happiness
than headaches just playing with it, you owe it to yourself to get the
free PDFs  What do we owe the authors?  Well, if you're not trying to
make one pension support four people, you owe them the purchase of
some of the books.  Me, I'm giving them thanks, praise, and a
heartfelt recommendation.

Seriously, these books represent a HUGE amount of work and "you are a
fool to yourself and a burden to others" if you don't take advantage
of this great resource.

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