Hi richard

> https://github.com/orgs/pharo-project/projects/8
> lists some easy projects.  I'd like to make a contribution.

The first thing I suggest is to take the stupidiest issue like adding a comment 
in a method
or fixing a badly written comment and make a PR.
I like to do this trivial things because there are easy to give a positive 
slant on my energy. 

> Where are the instructions on how to sign up and what
> to do?  Fair warning, I'll probably need a bit of hand-holding…

For the contributions feel free to pick what you like

- Some easy things are: better comments, improving test coverage
- Now I’m pretty sure that we can get collection improvements
- This one could interest you: underscores in numeric literals
We had long design discussions and I think that the result is good but we never 
got the time to implement it. 


Stéphane Ducasse
06 30 93 66 73

"If you knew today was your last day on earth, what would you do differently? 
....ESPECIALLY if, by doing something different, today might not be your last 
day on earth.” Calvin & Hobbes

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