I have added a new blog post showing how I am using Pharo Smalltalk and
Seaside to rapidly create Ruby-on-Rails applications.
<https://railsexpress.quora.com/Pharo-Seaside-Express>  There is also a
short video showing a simple application running under Pharo/Seaside and
then being converted to Ruby-on-Rails. The application uses the Qooxdoo
JavaScript framework for the UI. Seaside Express Video
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1CNJ1NR_kY>  The blog outlines some of my
thoughts about the development philosophy.And the video gives some idea of
how this works in practice - particularly how quickly (about a minute) an
entire Ruby-on-Rails application can be generated from the Smalltalk
specification.I will release the Seaside-Qooxdoo classes later this year
when the code is more stable.-- Peter

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