Nice blog post - I found it very interesting particularly as this is an area 
i'm less familiar with so appreciate all of you educating us (or at least me)


On Thu, 12 May 2022, at 8:48 AM, wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> My name is Abir and I am an intern that is currently working on Pharo and 
> pharo-ai. Lately, I have been working with Sebastian and Oleksandr on edit 
> distances metrics. I wrote a blog post tutorial about this topic for better 
> understanding. If you are interested, please read it. Any feedback about the 
> blog post or the edit distances in general will be appreciated. Also, if you 
> would like to implement some metrics or you are a potential user, please let 
> us know.
> Here is the link of the blog post in the pharo-ai wiki: 
> Here is the repo link in case you want to install it: 
> Thank you,
> Abir

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