Dear all,

  in recent versions of Roassal2, multi line labels got wroken.
 bellow is a patch that fixes the problem

trachelShapeForMultiLine: anElement
    | lines s lbl n txt aColor fontSize |
    aColor := self colorFor: anElement.
    fontSize := self heightFor: anElement.
    txt := self textFor: anElement.
    txt := txt copyReplaceAll: String tab with: '    '.
    lines := txt lines.
    s := TRCompositeShape new.
    lines reverse
        do: [ :l |
            lbl := TRLabelShape new text: l.
            lbl color: aColor.
            lbl fontSize: fontSize.
            s shape1: lbl.
            s offset1: (lbl width / 2) @ 0.
            s offset2: 0 @ 20.
            n := TRCompositeShape new.
            n shape2: s.
            s := n ].
    ^ s

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