Hi Ben,


ZnClient new
  url: 'http://dpaste.com/api/v2/';
  addPart: (ZnMimePart fieldName: 'syntax' value: 'smalltalk');
  addPart: (ZnMimePart fieldName: 'content' value: 'hello; world');

Although curl is powerful, well known and well supported, I would not say it is 
a great standard for interface design, it is way too complex. Zn tries to 
approach HTTP from an object design standpoint. You pass along a 
ZnMultiPartFormDataEntity object that contains ZnMimeParts as entity to your 
POST request.


> On 17 May 2019, at 05:26, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> We are trying to replicate the following in Pharo...
> $ echo "hello; world" | curl -s -F "syntax=smalltalk" -F "content=<-" 
> http://dpaste.com/api/v2/
> like this...
>     url := ZnClient new
>        logToTranscript;
>        systemPolicy;       
>        beOneShot;
>        url: 'http://dpaste.com/api/v2/';
>        formAt: 'syntax' put: 'smalltalk';
>        formAt: 'content' put: 'hello; world';
>        post.
> Curl produces... "hello; world" 
>      http://dpaste.com/2Y15WGY  
> but Zinc produces only... "hello" 
>      http://dpaste.com/28E974Y
> The difference is apparent on the wire...
> With curl...
> <image.png>
> With Zinc...
> <image.png>
> The curl manpage says... 
>     -F, --form <name=content>
>     For HTTP protocol family, this lets curl emulate a filled-in form in 
> which 
>     a user has pressed the submit button. This causes curl to POST data 
>     using the Content-Type multipart/form-data according to RFC 2388. 
> So we've used multipart forms elsewhere already...
> https://github.com/exercism/pharo-smalltalk/blob/4a88c397/dev/src/ExercismTools/ExercismHttpClient.class.st#L95-L107
> https://github.com/exercism/pharo-smalltalk/blob/4a88c397/dev/src/ExercismTools/ExercismHttpClient.class.st#L213-L218
> https://github.com/exercism/pharo-smalltalk/blob/9c6b91aaf/dev/src/ExercismSystemTests/ExercismHttpClientTest.class.st#L79-L82
> https://github.com/exercism/pharo-smalltalk/blob/0e0bd82ed/dev/src/ExercismTools/ZnMimePart.extension.st#L4-L18
> so I'm sure we can achieve what we want, just curious if there might be 
> any convenience methods that could be used similar to the examples 
> given on the rest of curl's "-F" description.  
> Or if there could be?   Curl examples are often used for reference by APIs 
> (http://dpaste.com/api/v2/)  
> and a close map between curl and Zinc would be really great.
> cheers -ben
> P.S. I even wonder if a ZnCurl would be useful that parsed curl strings.
> This would firstly provide ease of use for newcomers, 
> and secondly define how to map through to native Zinc methods.

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