I had a problem where my image became unusable a few seconds after
starting up. I got help on the database discord channel, and got my
image back to usable. Here’s a summary. [MacOS, Pharo9, MongoTalk
1.24, the image runs a Seaside,Voyage,Mongo app].

1. I got the stack trace (see attached) a few seconds after image
startup, then the image became unusable and had to be terminated from
the OS.
2. I eventually figured out that I needed to re-establish the ssh
tunnel to my mongo database. After that, I was able to start the image
without problem.
3. A potential fix may have been in MongoTalk 1.25, where connections
were being leaked due to non-local returns. The fix (see attached)
would add an ensure: block. I filed-in the fix, which I was able to
do, with the ssh tunnel on.
4. I turned off the ssh tunnel, then tried to start the image with the
MongoTalk change installed and saved. But I still got the debugger
after a few seconds. I eventually noticed that the image was still
usable, if I just closed the debugger (actually, closed it two times,
because it came up again). In the Transcript was:
WARNING: Had to GC to make room for more external objects. If this
happens often, it would be a good idea to either:
- Raise the maxExternalSemaphores size.
- Write your code to explicitly release them rather than wait for finalization.
WARNING: Had to increase size of semaphore signal handling table due
to many external objects concurrently in use
You should increase this size at startup using
#maxExternalSemaphoresSilently: Current table size: 1024
WARNING: Had to increase size of semaphore signal handling table due
to many external objects concurrently in use
You should increase this size at startup using
#maxExternalSemaphoresSilently: Current table size: 2048
So the MongoTalk fix would have salvaged the image too.
5. Digging around, I found the following would clean things up:
  MongoMonitor allInstances. "size: 95"
  MongoMonitor allInstancesDo: [ :each | each stop; tearDown ].
  Smalltalk garbageCollect.
  MongoMonitor allInstances. "size: 6”
After that, the pharo CPU usage went down from 23% to 5%

Yanni Chiu
ExternalSemaphoreTable class>>freedSlotsIn:ratherThanIncreaseSizeTo:
ExternalSemaphoreTable class>>collectionBasedOn:withRoomFor:
ExternalSemaphoreTable class>>privateRegisterExternalObject:
[self privateRegisterExternalObject: anObject] in ExternalSemaphoreTable 
class>>registerExternalObject: in Block: [self privateRegisterExternalObject: 
                caught := true.
                self wait.
                blockValue := mutuallyExcludedBlock value
        ] in Semaphore>>critical: in Block: [...
ExternalSemaphoreTable class>>registerExternalObject:
[ super new initialize: TCPSocketType ] in Socket class>>newTCP in Block: [ 
super new initialize: TCPSocketType ]
Socket class>>newTCP
Socket class>>new
SocketStream class>>openConnectionToHost:port:timeout:
[ self ensureMongoIsOpened.
        self doCheckAndHandleSuccess ] in MongoMonitor>>checkOnce in Block: [ 
self ensureMongoIsOpened....
                        self iterateService.
                        self scheduleRecursiveTask ] in 
MongoMonitor(TKTService)>>start in Block: [ ...
[ self executeTask ] in TKTTaskExecution>>value in Block: [ self executeTask ]

Attachment: MongoPool-mongoDo...st
Description: Binary data

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