Hi - 

In Pharo 7 I'm having an issue with a particular class where if I browse it in 
Calypso I can see & navigate among the methods  in the class.   

If I run some of the methods I get dnu errors for methods I can see in the 
class browser.  

If I re-save a method that has the dnu without changing anything then Calypso 
shows two methods in the same class with the same name.

If in a playground I try a
MyClass recompile

Then I get an "Unknown variable..." dialog that asks me to define the class.

If I highlight the MyClass in the playground and "browse" it then Calypso finds 
the class and opens the browser.  

If I fileout the class then the fileout has all the methods and two copies with 
the same name of the one I re-saved above.

Because of these issues I cannot save the package using Monticello or iceberg.

Any  ideas what I can do to fix this situation?

At a minimum I reckon I can fileout the bad class, delete it from the image, 
and file it back in, then save.



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