Of course everyone is talking about ChatGPT, and I saw a post to ExplainCode and didn’t expect it to understand Smalltalk, so was impressed that it does! Presumably the Tonel Smalltalk code on GitHub has helped along with numerous articles?

I gave this simple example: (1 to: 100 by: 3) reject: [:i | i isOdd]

And got this (neat eh):

The code above is written in the programming language Smalltalk.

It creates a collection of numbers from 1 to 100, incrementing by 3 at each step. This is done using the "to:by:" construct where the starting value is 1, the ending value is 100, and the increment is 3.

The resulting collection is then filtered using the "reject:" method, which takes a block of code as an argument. In this case, the block checks whether each element (denoted by the variable i) is odd by using the "isOdd" method. If an element is odd, it will be rejected from the collection.

So, the final result is a collection of all even numbers from 1 to 100, incrementing by 3 at each step.

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