I hope they release the movie, they spent over $50,000,000 on it, it has well 
known actors.   As for  Buddy Bolden record, as far as I know the cylinders 
were destroyed when the shed that the cylinders were kept in, was torn down in 
1960.   The actual recording machine that Oscar Zahn had used to make  the 
recordings exists,  it is  a high case model B Standard  with script Edison.   
You know though maybe someone went to the dump, where the cylinders were 
deposited and picked them up???? That would be great, and of such historical 
significance.  My father picked up some brown waxes to sell the other day, and 
there is a home recording  of a piano, and dulcimer, that has got to be one of 
the best home recordings I have ever heard, it is actually better than some GM 
releases!   I am going to make some vidios of it playing and it will be for 
sale soon on my website.    
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