Wendell did some subsequent reprints of Edison Amberol Monthly - I seem to  
remember 5 or 6 issues. They were not bound and were high quality 
photocopies.  Whatever they were, I bought them though can't easily put my 
fingers on 
At the same time he did color repros of a few Voice of Victors which were  
pricey because color xeroxes in those days were costly. I think I have one 
or  two of those.
Speaking of VoV's - I still think they are graphically the most exciting  
and bring high prices ($30+ up) on ebay. I have a few originals. I always 
though  that -if these were reproduced in bound volume they would sell great 
and these  are like art books. The Camden County Historical Society has a full 
About 12 years ago I approached Peter Schiffer the then-head of Schiffer  
Publishing (who did all the Fabrizio/Paul books) who has since died (his son  
heads the company now) about publishing them but he didn't think there was  
enough of a market. I told him that at $50 or $60 the book would sell well  
(pnono and Nipper collectors) but nothing ever happened.
I heard that Bob Baumbach is going to push his newest book as an e-book.  
Honestly, I love leafing through printed volumes. 
So I'll continue to dream of having a bound volume of Voice of Victors in  
my lifetime.
Meanwhile Ryan Barna continues to make printed copies of the Columbia  
Record available as photocopy reprints. But these are black and white.
Steve Ramm
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