ID:               30188
 Comment by:       evp at heise dot de
 Reported By:      lists+php at box dot cz
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Filesystem function related
 Operating System: Linux (Gentoo, latest)
 PHP Version:      5.0.1
 New Comment:

> Maybe it would be better to perform open_basedir check just 
> on dirs
> instead of files (in various filesystem functions)?

No, because it's sometimes vital to have files in open_basedir to allow
acces to one specific file without the need to put it  into a directory
for its own.

Previous Comments:

[2004-09-21 23:50:28] lists+php at box dot cz

My setup:
document root is: "/home/wejn/x/docs/html/".

While "/home/wejn/x/docs/html/" is symlink to:

I have safe_mode enabled and open_basedir set to

With this setup I'm unable to perform:

copy("/home/wejn/x/docs/html/x", "/home/wejn/x/docs/html/y");

when "y" doesn't exist. If I touch "y" prior running the
script, everything runs just fine.

IMO, there is problem with symlink resolving code somewhere under 

It seems to me that more precise location of the bug is somewhere in
virtual_file_ex() regarding the realpath() call.

Maybe it would be better to perform open_basedir check just on dirs
instead of files (in various filesystem functions)?

Btw, this problem exists also in 4.3.8, which makes me think that it's
there for a LONG time ... unnoticed.


Reproduce code:
// when all conditions described above are met, this fails:
copy('/home/wejn/x/docs/html/x', '/home/wejn/x/docs/html/y');

Expected result:
no error.

Actual result:
Warning: copy() [function.copy]: open_basedir restriction in effect.
File(/home/wejn/x/docs/html/y) is not within the allowed path(s):
(/home/wejn/x/docs/html:/home/wejn/x/docs1/html) in
/home/wejn/x/docs1/html/index.html on line 2

Warning: copy(/home/wejn/x/docs/html/y) [function.copy]: failed to open
stream: Operation not permitted in /home/wejn/x/docs1/html/index.html on
line 2


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