chregu          Mon Oct 27 06:34:46 2003 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /php-src/ext/simplexml/tests        book.xml simplexml_import_dom.phpt 
  added interop test

Index: php-src/ext/simplexml/tests/book.xml
+++ php-src/ext/simplexml/tests/book.xml
  <title>The Grapes of Wrath</title>
  <author>John Steinbeck</author>
  <title>The Pearl</title>
  <author>John Steinbeck</author>

Index: php-src/ext/simplexml/tests/simplexml_import_dom.phpt
+++ php-src/ext/simplexml/tests/simplexml_import_dom.phpt
Interop: simplexml_import_dom
<?php if (!extension_loaded("simplexml")) print "skip"; ?>
<?php if (!extension_loaded("dom")) print "skip. dom extension not loaded"; ?>
$dom = new domDocument;
if(!$dom) {
  echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
$s = simplexml_import_dom($dom);
$books = $s->book;
foreach ($books as $book) {
        echo "{$book->title} was written by {$book->author}\n";
The Grapes of Wrath was written by John Steinbeck
The Pearl was written by John Steinbeck

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