helly           Sat Jul 19 15:56:00 2008 UTC

  Added files:                 
    /php-src/ext/spl/examples   multipleiterator.inc 
  - Add MultipleIterator 

Index: php-src/ext/spl/examples/multipleiterator.inc
+++ php-src/ext/spl/examples/multipleiterator.inc
/** @file multipleiterator.inc
 * @ingroup Examples
 * @brief class MultipleIterator
 * @author  Johannes Schlueter
 * @author  Marcus Boerger
 * @date    2008
 * SPL - Standard PHP Library

/** @ingroup Examples
 * @brief   Iterator that iterates over several iterators one after the other
 * @author  Johannes Schlueter
 * @author  Marcus Boerger
 * @version 1.0
 * @since PHP 5.3
class MultipleIterator implements Iterator
        /** Inner Iterators */
        private $iterators;

        /** Flags: const MIT_* */
        private $flags;

        /** do not require all sub iterators to be valid in iteration */
        const MIT_NEED_ANY = 0;

        /** require all sub iterators to be valid in iteration */
        const MIT_NEED_ALL  = 1;

        /** keys are created from sub iterators position */
        const MIT_KEYS_NUMERIC  = 0;

        /** keys are created from sub iterators associated infromation */
        const MIT_KEYS_ASSOC  = 2;

        /** Construct a new empty MultipleIterator
        * @param flags MIT_* flags
        public function __construct($flags = 
                $this->iterators = new SplObjectStorage();
                $this->flags = $flags;

        /** @return current flags MIT_* */
        public function getFlags()
                return $this->flags;

        /** @param $flags new flags. */
        public function setFlags($flags)
                $this->flags = $flags;

        /** @param $iter new Iterator to attach.
        * @param $inf associative info forIteraotr, must be NULL, integer or 
        * @throws IllegalValueException if a inf is none of NULL, integer or 
        * @throws IllegalValueException if a inf is already an associated info
        public function attachIterator(Iterator $iter, $inf = NULL)

                if (!is_null($inf))
                        if (!is_int($inf) && !is_string($inf))
                                throw new IllegalValueException('Inf must be 
NULL, integer or string');
                        foreach($this->iterators as $iter)
                                if ($inf == $this->iterators->getInfo())
                                        throw new IllegalValueException('Key 
duplication error');
                $this->iterators->attach($iter, $inf);

        /** @param $iter attached Iterator that should be detached. */
        public function detachIterator(Iterator $iter)

        /** @param $iter Iterator to check
        * @return whether $iter is attached or not
        public function containsIterator(Iterator $iter)
                return $this->iterator->contains($iter);

        /** @return number of attached Iterator instances. */
        public function countIterators()
                return $this->iterators->count();

        /** Rewind all attached Iterator instances. */
        public function rewind()
                foreach($this->iterators as $iter)

        * @return whether all or one sub iterator is valid depending on flags.
        * In mode MIT_NEED_ALL we expect all sub iterators to be valid and
        * return flase on the first non valid one. If that flag is not set we
        * return true on the first valid sub iterator found. If no Iterator
        * is attached, we always return false.
        public function valid()
                if (!sizeof($this->iterators)) {
                        return false;
                // The following code is an optimized version that executes as 
                // valid() calls as necessary and that only checks the flags 
                $expect = $this->flags & self::MIT_NEED_ALL ? true : false;
                foreach($this->iterators as $iter)
                        if ($expect != $iter->valid())
                                return !$expect;
                return $expect;

        /** Move all attached Iterator instances forward. That is invoke
        * their next() method regardless of their state.
        public function next()
                foreach($this->iterators as $iter)

        /** @return false if no sub Iterator is attached and an array of
        * all registered Iterator instances current() result.
        * @throws RuntimeException      if mode MIT_NEED_ALL is set and at 
least one
        *                               attached Iterator is not valid().
        * @throws IllegalValueException if a key is NULL and MIT_KEYS_ASSOC is 
        public function current()
                if (!sizeof($this->iterators))
                        return false;
                $retval = array();
                foreach($this->iterators as $iter)
                        if ($it->valid())
                                if ($this->flags & self::MIT_KEYS_ASSOC)
                                        $key = $this->iterators->getInfo();
                                        if (is_null($key))
                                                throw new 
IllegalValueException('Sub-Iterator is associated with NULL');
                                        $retval[$key] = $iter->current();
                                        $retval[] = $iter->current();
                        else if ($this->flags & self::MIT_NEED_ALL)
                                throw new RuntimeException('Called current() 
with non valid sub iterator');
                                $retval[] = NULL;
                return $retval;

        /** @return false if no sub Iterator is attached and an array of
        * all registered Iterator instances key() result.
        * @throws LogicException if mode MIT_NEED_ALL is set and at least one
        *         attached Iterator is not valid().
        public function key()
                if (!sizeof($this->iterators))
                        return false;
                $retval = array();
                foreach($this->iterators as $iter)
                        if ($it->valid())
                                $retval[] = $iter->key();
                        else if ($this->flags & self::MIT_NEED_ALL)
                                throw new LogicException('Called key() with non 
valid sub iterator');
                                $retval[] = NULL;
                return $retval;

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