On Wed, 6 Mar 2013, Anatol Belski wrote:

> +#ifdef PHP_WIN32
> +     /* VS2012 has a bug where strftime crash with %z and %Z format when the
> +        initial buffer is too small. Increasing the buffer size helps in a
> +        workaround to fixs longer format strings for this VS version.
> +        
> http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/759720/vs2012-strftime-crash-with-z-formatting-code
> +     */
> +     size_t               buf_len = 256;
> +#else
> +     size_t               buf_len = 64;
> +#endif
> +     size_t               real_len;

Why the ifdef? You can just set it to 256 for everything.


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