On Nov 4, 2009, at 4:00 PM, Chris wrote:

Chris wrote:
Rafael Costa Pimenta wrote:
But the link http://doc2pdf.sourceforge.net/overview.html seems to use e-mail, i did not understand, I just want to extract a word .doc file from the mssql database, save in a temp directory, convert to the PDF format and let the user download the PDF file.
There's a lot of stuff in there. Concentrate on each part separately and don't worry about the next part just yet. try http://www.phplivedocx.org/2009/02/06/convert-doc-to-pdf-in- php/ for changing your doc to a pdf. To get a doc in/out of mssql, there seems to be some magic you have to do:
If they don't work you're going to have to be more specific about what you're having problems with.

See also http://www.rochester.edu/it/web/WebHelp/mssql/datatypes.html

Could you not just encode the doc file before putting it in the database. Decode it when you get it out.


Hope that helps.

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