Hi Trinath,

You can use ini_set() function to change ini settings only for your upload script. http://php.net/manual/en/function.ini-set.php

However, you cannot change any parameter you want. There is a list about php.ini parameters. As I remember, you just can set PHP_INI_ALL and PHP_INI_PERDIR parameters in your script. I do not remember if it is enough for file upload limits.

php.ini parameters list: http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.list.php

Hope it helps :-)
Ege Sertçetin

Alinti Karl DeSaulniers <k...@designdrumm.com>

Sry, not better help... better luck. :)


On Feb 1, 2012, at 7:01 AM, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:

I would set post_max_size in your htaccess for the directory where your upload.php file is.
Or base64 your file and upload 8Mb chunks, then reassemble and store.

but I am sure someone has a better solution than I.

also, I may be wrong on this too, but this is a PHP General question, not database related.
you may find better help on the PHP general list.



On Feb 1, 2012, at 3:38 AM, Trinath Somanchi wrote:

Hi All-

I have doubt regarding file upload in PHP.

With out updating the INI file settings, Can PHP process File upload just
like Apache handling Multipart post.

Like, Irrespective of post_max_size being 8M, PHP must process a 15MB Post
data (15MB Uploaded file.)

How to work this out with PHP.

Kindly help me in this regard.

Trinath Somanchi,

Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

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