
I have the follow problem:
I have installed oracle 7.3 client and work right, and I have installed apache and php 
the last version.
When I try to connect to oracle with the libray php_oracle.dll I get the follow 

Oracle: Connection Failed: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name

and testing the tns name solve very well(command window)
The script is the follow:
         <title>Ejemplo PHP</title>
 print "<HTML><PRE>";

 $connn = ora_logon("name@TNSNAME","password");

 function select_data($conn)
 { $stmt = ora_parse($conn,"select * from scott.names");
   echo $conn."----selecting\n\n";
   while (ora_fetch($stmt))
     echo $conn." <".ora_do($stmt,"TEST").">\n\n";
   echo $conn."----done\n\n";

 select_data($connn);   // result of c1



I need your help.

Thanks in advance.


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